Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Dale's funeral was automatic. The group felt numb, but none more so than Alexa. She didn't want to feel anything anymore, it hurt too much. In this world, you never knew who was going to be next, and she simply didn't want to have to witness another comrade fall. Hershel allowed them to move into the house shortly after the funeral, all except Shane. His behavior was becoming more erratic to the point no one but Rick still trusted him, and even that was on thin ice. Majority of the day was spent with the group moving their stuff in. Alexa, on the other hand, shut herself up in the room she stayed in when she was shot. She hadn't talked to Daryl since there argument was afraid to look at him. She stay in that bed all day, and now night was slowly approaching. She just didn't see the point in facing the others.

A soft click filled the room, signaling the door's opening.

"Aunt Alexa," Carl questioned.

Alexa turned slightly to face him. "Carl?"

"C-Can I talk to you about something?"

Alexa sat up. "Sure, anything. What's wrong?"

"I'm worried," he said before moving to sit next to her.

"About what?" she asked.

"Dad," Carl said without looking up at her.

Alexa's heart sank. "What's wrong with Rick?"

"That guy, Randall, went missin'. Dad went in the woods with Daryl, Glenn, and Shane, but I just got a bad feelin'. What should I do?" Carl asked, clearly confused.

Alexa stood, reaching for her black leather double shoulder holster. She checked the two 9 mm pistols there before slipping it on under her brown jacket. She then grabbed the waist holster Rick had found for her to house her .38 Smith & Wesson, and checked the gun. Carl stood with her. "Where are you going?" he asked.

"To check on Rick, where else?" Alexa stated absentmindedly.

"I want to go too!" Carl quickly said.

Alexa studied her nephew, noting that look. If she didn't take him with her now, then he would go off on his own. At least this way, she'd have a better chance at knowing where he was at all times. She sighed before nodding her head and motioned for him to be quiet as they both slipped out of her bedroom window. The two moved silently across the farm with Carl pointing out the last direction he had seen his father go. Alexa's mind wondered to Daryl and what he was doing at that moment. This was the longest they have gone without speaking, and it worried her a little. Alexa stopped at the tree line before turning back to look at the farm. A sense of foreboding entered her heart, and she wished she would have talked to him more. She turned back to the trees just as the sun descended behind the horizon. Night was fast approaching. Using the fading light, Alexa was able to see the faint signs of a human body moving through the brush. She lead Carl as they followed the path, hoping that it was the one that took them to her brother.

As the night grew darker, Carl inched closer to his aunt. He made sure to keep enough distance to appear brave, but in reality he was quite scared, though he would never voice it out loud. Alexa gave a small smile at her nephew. The silence weighed heavily around them as they strained their ears for any unfriendly sounds. The ringing nearly drove Alexa up the wall before the silence was broken by Carl.

"Aunt Alexa," he questioned in a whisper.

"That's a bit of a mouthful isn't it?" she replied.


Alexa smiled. "Drop the formalities, just call me Auntie."

"Oh," Carl looked ahead.

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