Chapter Twenty-Two

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Alexa sat next to Daryl as the two joined the circle the group had made. She had slept in the bed next to Daryl for a full twenty-four hours, waking long enough to get her wound looked at by Hershel. As she was nodding back off, she heard the conversation Daryl had with Andrea. She had apologized for shooting him, and he told her not to worry about it. He didn't blame her for the shot since she was protecting the camp. Alexa knew deep down that was all he ever wanted. To protect everyone was a big order, she knew from what Rick had told her. She was still angry with Andrea. She understood that the shot she took was to protect the camp, which in reality Alexa was very grateful for, but she had also fired after being told not to, and that can also endanger the camp. Even though she felt that way, Alexa went and apologized to Andrea for hitting her.

Daryl handed Alexa a plate as everyone settled into a silence eating their breakfast. Glenn was looking antsy as he paced back and forth. He glanced towards the front porch, meeting Maggie's eyes, before looking at Dale. Dale nodded in encouragement which caused Glenn to make up his mind. Alexa nudged Daryl and motioned towards the man who clearly had something on his mind. He grew closer to the group still clearly nervous as he told them the dreadful news. Everyone quickly made their way over to the barn with Shane in the lead. Alexa's body was still sore, so she motioned for Daryl to go ahead of her. Daryl hesitated for a minute before taking off towards the barn.

"Damn it," Shane growled as he hit the wooden door. He turned to the others as he frantically said, "We need to leave, now, make a break for Fort Benning."

"No!" Carol protested. "Sophia is still out there!"

"Sophia is dead." Shane said, silencing everyone. "It's about time we accept that possibility."

"I'm close to finding her." Daryl said as he grew closer.

"Bullshit," Shane spat.

Rick turned to walk to the farmhouse, saying, "I'll go talk to Hershel about this."

"Hershel knows." Dale said making Rick to pause in his steps. "He sees them as being sick, and with good reason I might add."

"Why the hell didn't you say anything before?" Shane demanded just as the walkers hit the barn door.

No one voiced it, but everyone knew that the dead would have to be dealt with soon. Alexa watched as everyone started to disburse. Shane remain at the barn, guarding the door as he testing the lock to make sure it was secure. Glenn left somewhere, probably to find Maggie. She noticed that Daryl was heading towards the stables with Carol following close behind and decided to follow. She reached the entrance just as Carol was pleading with him not to leave and find Sophia. Daryl swore as he stormed out of the building, walking pass Alexa without sparing her a glance.

"Oh, Alexa, I'm sorry." Carol said quietly.

Alexa stared at Daryl's retreating form for a second longer before turning her attention to Carol. "For what?" she asked confused.

"Daryl, it wasn't my place to ask him to stay."

"How is it not?" When Carol continued to look at her with confusion, Alexa added, "It's your daughter out there. As much as it pains you, you still asked him not to leave because of his injuries, and for that I'm grateful."

"Yeah, but-"

"Listen, Carol, if you hadn't asked him to stay, I doubt he would."

Carol shook her head. "I know he would if you had asked."

"Maybe, but never mind." Alexa said as she shook her head. "If it'll help put your mind at ease, I'll go talk to him."

"Would you?"

"Of course," Alexa said with a soft smile before turning to leave.

Alexa then went in search for Daryl. She found him at the edge of camp cleaning his arrows. He looked up when she approached, but then went back to focusing on his task. She just stood there in silence as he cleaned. The longer she stayed quiet, the more she could tell it was annoying him. She smiled as he finally looked up at her as he snapped, "What!"

"Nothing," Alexa said.

"Huh," Daryl was confused.

"I don't want anything." Alexa said, swaying slightly.

Daryl stood as he asked, "You alright?"

"I'm just fine." Alexa waved him off before adding, "Oh, I know, let's take a walk."

"What for," Daryl asked.

"Just because I want to spend time with you, is that so bad?" She asked as she took his hand and led him off.

They walked in silence as they left the safety of the camp. Alexa knew that they shouldn't go too far, but at the same time she wanted some time away from everyone. She had a feeling that Daryl needed this too, so she made sure to stay close enough for quick help should they need it, but far enough away for privacy. Daryl's body was tense. There was something bothering him, but he just wouldn't say what it was. They continued to walk, just enjoying each other's company until Daryl broke the silence.

"Hey look, a Cherokee Rose."

"It's so pretty." Alexa said in admiration for the flower.

"Do you know the story behind it?"

"There's a story?"

"Yeah," Daryl said with a smile. "It said to bloom as a symbol of hope from the Cherokee mothers who lost their children to disease and starvation along the Trail of Tears when the white man drove the Indians off their lands. I see this and... Sophia is still out there, I know it. I'll find her."

Alexa smiled at his determination. "I have faith that you will."

She watched as his smile faded. He looked away from her as he spoke, "I don't think anyone else does. I feel that they just ignore they don't care with anything I have to say."

Alexa figured that this was what must have been bothering him. He's hurt that the others don't take him seriously. She placed a hand on his cheek, forcing him to look at her. "They aren't ignoring you. With all that has happened, no one has had a proper time to breath, give it time to settle. That being said, I want you to always remember one thing."

"What's that?" Daryl asked unsure.

"I am here for you." Alexa said with a warm smile. "I always will be, no matter what."

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