Chapter Seven

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Dawn seemed to come sooner than expected. Alexa was roused by her brother's voice. She opened her eyes to see that he was the only one up. He was talking on a walkie-talkie to someone named Morgan, advising him of the new plan. She could hear the pleading in Rick's voice as he told the person that he needed to be right about the CDC. It made her heart constrict. She knew that her brother took everything personal, always had, and now he is in charge of a small group where people's lives counted on him. Alexa stiffly stood, Echo stretching at her side, just as everyone else in the camp started to stir.

"I'll be leaving a map in a red car for you and Duane, so that you'll be able to find us later." Rick said into the walkie-talkie. He rejoined the group and said, "We have a long journey ahead of us, so let's get started."

With a nod, everyone moved to pack up for the trip to the CDC. Everyone except Morales. He stood, huddled with his family, and they were talking in hushed tones. Rick noticed and walked over to them. "You better get ready, we'll be leaving soon."

"We're... We won't be going with you." Morales said as he placed an arm around his wife, holding her close.

"What?" came the camp's confused reply.

"Why not?" Rick asked.

"We feel that we should head home, see if any of our family is still alive." Morales explained.

"You won't last one day," Shane stated.

"Shane, it isn't our place to force them." Rick said soothingly. "If they feel that this is the course they need to take, then I say go. You will be missed." he added as he shook Morales's hand.

Alexa smiled a little. That was her brother through and through, Rick had always tried to keep the peace no matter how bad the situation was. That personality was the biggest reason why he had became a cop in the first place. She leaned against a truck's fender, arms crossed, while she watched everyone say their goodbyes and finished with the packing. Her shirt was stuck to her side where the blood had dried to the fabric. She closed her eyes contemplating on how she were going to treat it and praying that an infection hasn't set in. Echo growled and Alexa opened her eyes to see Daryl walking towards her. Her heart quickened as she felt heat deep in her core. She still didn't understand the effect he had on her. He walked up and stared at her, looking her up and down, before moving to the drivers' seat. Alexa followed his every move.

"You gettin' in sunshine?"

Alexa raised an eyebrow. "Sunshine?"

"Are you riding with me or not?" he snapped.

Alexa sighed as she pushed herself off of the truck and walked to the passenger side door. "You need to work on your people skills." she commented before opening the door. Echo jumped in.

"I'm not ridin' with that damn dog." Daryl said.

"Then I suggest you find another car." Alexa said as she sat down, slamming the door close.

Daryl swore under his breath before he slid behind the wheel. Echo turned his body so that his head was lying on Alexa's thigh and his tail was facing Daryl. Alexa laughed softly at the look the man gave the dog before he started the engine. It wasn't long before the members of the Atlanta camp were on the road heading towards the CDC. Alexa leaned her head against the window finding it hard to stay sitting up straight. She didn't even realize she had fallen asleep until she heard a car's horn sounding just a head of them. She lifted her head to look at Daryl, who shrugged and killed the engine. He opened his door then looked to Alexa with a raised eyebrow.

"I'll just sit here for now, but could you take Echo with you?"

Daryl just shrugged his shoulders and slid out, allowing Echo to follow. Alexa leaned back against the cool glass. She found it difficult to move, every time she did the fabric would pull against the dried blood and the flesh it was attached too. She wished more than ever that she had a shower, but that was a luxury she knew wouldn't happen. All the little things that she didn't think were important came to mind as she realized now how she took them for granted. The door opening brought her out of her thoughts. She looked over to see Daryl allowing Echo to jump in before sliding in the seat behind him. She caught the solemn look on his face and the sad look in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Nothin'," he said as he started the truck.

Alexa sat in silence as Daryl followed the car ahead of him. She stared out the window, noticing a body sitting under a tree. She sat up quickly as she looked behind her. "Who was that?"

"No one," Daryl responded.

It was clear to Alexa he didn't want to really talk about it, so she sat back in her seat and focused out the window, staring at nothing.

The sun had began it's decent just as the group arrived at the CDC. Alexa stared appalled as they passed hundreds of bodies. Daryl pulled to a stop behind the other cars. They got out and slowly and quietly approached the building only to discover that the doors were locked tight with the shutters pulled down. Alexa felt her heart sink in despair, and she could tell from their face that everyone else was feeling the same.

Growling sounded from behind them.

"We need to turn around and head to Fort Benning!" Shane yelled panicked.

"And how do you suppose we do that?" Andrea yelled, "We don't have anymore food. We'll never make it."

"What do we do now?" Lori demanded.

"We'll figure out something." Rick said scanning the area, trying to see through the dark. Alexa pulled her gun free preparing to fire when her brother began to beat against the doors with his fist. "If you don't let us in, you're killing us!"

"Rick, what are you doing?!" Dale yelled.

"I saw the security camera move!" Rick yelled. "Let us in, please!"

Shane grabbed Rick and started to pull him back as Rick yelled, "You're killing us!"

At that moment the doors move up bathing everyone in light. They stood there confused for a minute, before they saw a man standing off to the side pointing a gun at them. "Anybody infected?" he asked.

"Just one... he didn't make it." Rick said.

"Why are you here, and what do you want?"

"A chance," Rick answered.

"That's asking an awful lot these days."

"I know," Rick shrugged.

"You all summit to a blood test, that's the price of admission."

"We can do that," Rick shrugged as the growling continued.

"You have anything bring it in now," The man said. "Once these doors close, they stay closed."

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