Chapter Sixteen

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It was dark, pitch black.

Light. The bright sun burns.

"You... son... bitch!"

Alexa heard Shane's voice as she came in and out of consciousness. Why was he angry? Hot, something was burning beneath her skin. She wanted to scream but couldn't get her voice to work. Why did the pain hurt so much? The memory of what had just happened entered her mind. The deer. A gunshot. She had been shot. Alexa's heart picked up in a panic as her breathing became shallow. She tried to bring her hand up but nothing responded. Her arm swung limply at her side. That's when she realized, someone was carrying her.

"How far?"

Rick! That was her brother's voice. Carl, where is Carl? Darkness consumed her. Rick stumbled jawing her awake, causing something to move. She felt tears stray from the corners of her eyes of their own volition.

"Not... further... Hershel... tell him... you"

Alexa moved in and out of consciousness again. She felt Rick's grip tighten, signaling his increase in speed. A neighing of a horse filled her ears. Everything grew dim. She tried to force her eyes open, but they wouldn't listen. Darkness once again took hold. Voices, she could hear voices, but why were they so far away? Alexa tried once more to open her eyes. This time they complied to her demand. She was lying on a bed with an unknown man leaning over her. He sat back and said, "What blood type is she?"

"AB positive," Rick answered in a shaky voice.

The searing pain was starting to grow numb. She felt cold as if she were buried in snow. Why? Why did this happen? A voice spoke and she locked down on it. She knew if she could focus her mind on it, she would be okay, she just had to. That was the man sitting next to her. What was he saying?

"The bullet has broken into piece," The man said. "I may have to operate."

"Ri...Rick..." Her voice was barely a whisper. Alexa was scared, she wanted her big brother. She felt a warm hand on her head as the thumb soothingly rubbed her forehead. "I'm... I'm sorry..."

"What could you possibly be sorry for?" Rick asked surprised.

"Carl... shot..." Alexa struggled to get her full sentence out.

"Shh, it's okay." Rick reassured, "Carl's fine."

"I'm.... scared..." Alexa whispered as tears ran down her face.

Alexa looked up at her brother the best she could. He looked over at Shane, who stood at the end of the bed. The look in both of their eyes held worry, grief, anger, but the top emotion she was able to pick up was guilt. She was amused at herself. Here she was, lying in a bed, bleeding from a gunshot, and she was able to read both her brother and his best friend. Rick walked off out of her field of vision. Her heart began to pick up speed. He was leaving her. She was scared. Footstep faded away. She was alone.

"Pl-Please... Rick..."

Alexa closed her eye. Find it, she commanded herself, Find the voices. She heard them talking at what she guessed to be the doorway. She had to listen, if she didn't, the pain would come back. She could hear Rick, the new guy, and Shane. Another guy spoke up along with a woman. She really wish she knew where she was going to die. The cold has become numbingly bearable, and exhaustion claimed her body, making her want to sleep.

"She needs blood." The man said.

"Then take mine." Rick said sternly.

Everything grew quiet. Alexa tried to open her eyes to see what was going on, but at that moment she felt something pierce her skin. Rick! Rick help me! she yelled in her head. The area where she was shot stretched. It felt as if whoever was in control of the object was ripping her skin open. Each nerve ending was lit on fire. Her heart thudded hard against her ribs, demanding to be set free. It hurt. It felt as if the skin stretched a little more. Her body convulsed, thrashing around in an attempt to escape the pain. A pair of arms held her down.

Alexa screamed.

"You're killing her!" Rick screamed.

Daryl... I'm so... sorry.... Alexa weakly thought before falling limp on the bed, welcoming the dark.

Carl stood at the end of the bed. He watched Hershel pulled out a piece of a bullet that was intended for him. Why did she shove him to the ground? He was afraid that his aunt was going to die, and everyone would blame him. If he hadn't wanted to get closer to that stupid deer, none of this would have happened. Carl tightened his fist. He was useless the way he was now. This new world is terrible. He missed the days where he would sit at home or play outside. As much as he hated it, he actually missed school.

Shane was talking about heading towards the high school to get better equipment for Hershel. His dad had volunteered to go, but Shane talked him out of it. Carl followed to two men out of the farmhouse and onto the porch. Shane was checking his guns when Carl stated, "I'm coming too!"

Shane stared at him wide eyed. "Why would you wanna do that?"

"I want to help." Carl said.

Shane placed a hand on Carl's shoulder, squeezing it reassuringly before saying, "The best way you can help, is to stay right here. You're dad and aunt need you."

Carl looked down as he mumbled, "No they don't."

"Don't be that way," Shane scolded. "Your mama, and daddy love you very much. Your aunt took a bullet to save you. People don't do that if they don't care."

Carl shook his head, but he didn't fully understand. Shane is being nice now when earlier he was snapping at him. The boy hated everything that has happened. Why does this sort of thing have to ruin everything? Why can't I be stronger?

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