Chapter Six

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Alexa followed slowly behind her brother as he talked to the elderly man. They were leading her to their camp, and she felt nervous for some reason. They broke through the trees to see Shane Walsh. The man hadn't changed much since the last time she had met him, which thinking back now was Christmas two years ago. The black t-shirt formed to the muscles his upper body held. He was going on about trusting Rick's instincts and go to the CDC in the morning. She froze as all attention was trained on her. Shane had stopped after a few seconds and followed suit. She made eye contact with everyone until her eyes settled on a pair of light blue eyes. She instantly recognized. That was the man she met in the woods a few days ago. Who would have thought? she mused.


She knew that voice immediately. She turned to see her twelve year old nephew run up to her and throw his arms around her waist. She winced as his arms enclosed around the cut in her side, but she didn't let it show. She had noticed that there were several graves just outside of camp, and the sad worn out faces told her the gunshots she heard the night before were due to an attack. The last thing she wanted was to interrupt their grieving anymore than she already has. She wrapped her arms around the boy, hugging him tightly.

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

"I had to come find my number one man." she answered with a smile.

"I thought I was your number one man?" Rick teased.

"You lost that slot once you had your son." Alexa teased back.

Lori soon came over and gave Alexa a hug. "I was worried about you?"

"What the fuck are you doing here?"

Alexa looked up somehow knowing who it was. The man came forward to stand next to Shane, who had a perplexed look on his face. She placed a hand on one of her guns, more for security. With all she had been through, she didn't take chances. That man raised his pickaxe at the challenge. Rick stepped between her and the man with his hands raised. A hand grasped her arm, and she turned to see an Asian man. That's when she noticed for the first time that everyone had moved on her.

"That's not a good idea, little man." Alexa said.

"What are you going to do about it?" he asked.

"It's not me you have to worry about." Alexa said just as growling filled the air.

All eyes turn to her right as Echo stood on the edge of camp. The Asian man let go of Alexa's arm and slowly backed up, never taking his eyes off the dog. Everyone took several steps back as Echo joined her side. Rick moved to stand at her side as he faced the others. He had his hands up in a surrender position in order to appease the others, attempting to calm them down. Once he had everyone's attention, he placed a reassuring hand on Alexa's shoulder before turning to face the others.

"This is my younger sister, Alexa Grimes." Rick announced.

"Sister?" came the collective, confused reply.

"I didn't know you had a sister," A woman said.

"A lot has happened lately, and with all hell breaking lose, I never had the chance to go looking for her. Every face I came across, Walker and human alike, I had hoped and feared it to be her. Now I have my baby sister back, and safe." Rick explained as he squeezed her shoulder.

"I'm no baby, Rick." Alexa said as she elbowed her brother.

"That's no lie," Shane mused.

Alexa turned to Shane. Looking at him now, she couldn't remember why she had dated him during high school. There was something in his eyes that made her feel uncomfortable. He continued to stare at her before shifting his eyes to Rick. Anger flared briefly before he turned his attention away and walk off. She felt someone staring at her and focused her attention to see those light blue eyes staring at her. Her heart leapt in her chest before thudding uncontrollably. She averted her gaze but still felt him stare. After a few minutes, she didn't have the feeling anymore and looked up to see him gone. Rick placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Here let me introduce you to the group. This is Carol Peletier and her daughter Sophia. That is Glenn Rhee, Dale Horvath, T-Dog, Jacqui, and Andrea. This is Morales, his wife Miranda, and their children Lois and Eliza." Rick said as he pointed to each person, who nodded in return. "The one with the crossbow is Daryl Dixon, and of course you already know Shane."

"It's nice to meet you all," Alexa said. "You know my name so I'll introduce you to my dog. Echo say hello to everyone."

Echo barked before sitting down and raising his right paw like it was waving to everyone. Everyone laughed and applauded. The children's faces lit up with excitement. They asked if it was alright for them to go play with Echo. Alexa looked down at him. He looked up at her with what could only be described as a grin before wagging his tail. She motioned with her head, and he, along with the children took off playing. The rest of the day was spent with everyone continuing with clean up and preparing for the next day's move. Alexa helped wherever she was able to, doing as much as she could with her side the way it was. They had noticed the dried blood from the small cut on her forehead, and she declined any attempt to fix it, knowing there were far more important things to be worried over.

The night soon descended and everyone was preparing for bed. Alexa sat off to the side of camp with Echo, leaning against a tree. She didn't have a tent of her own and it was very uncomfortable to be sharing. Rick was insistent that she sleep in a tent or something, and she argued that with her not knowing them or they her, there was no point. It would be rude to force them to put her up for the night. She didn't mind. It would be nice to enjoy the night for once. Echo curled up next to her as she crossed her arms, and the two slipped off into a light slumber.

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