Prologue ~ Waking Up

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So, to make this clear, this may or may not completly follow the story line, and the begining, she isn't an experiment, okay so don't get mixed up with that

Prologue ~ Waking up:

Beep. Beep. Beep. I heard many movments outside what ever I was in. I could only feel a cold liquid surrounding me, keeping me floating. I couldn't open my eys, they felt like they had been forced down. Something laid above my nose and mouth, forcing oxygen into my lungs. It's cold. I want out. Those were my only thoughts going threw my mind. I squinted open my eyes to find blurs surrounding whatever I was floating in.

"It's a miricale!" one of the blobs cheered. What's a miracle?

I opened my eyes fully and looked around I was in a countainer that stood up. I couldn't conect my feet to the bottom of the countainer so I must be floating high up. People replaced the blobs I saw earlier, most of them were staring at me, the rest, running around grabbing items left and right. The liquid started to drain and I started to relize there was headphones on my head, blocking out the sounds.  felt my feet conect with the floor and I imedietly fell. The door had opened just in time for someone to catch me.

"It seems she has troubles with her legs," someone said I held onto whoever was holding me, stealing as much heat as possible from their body to keep me warn, leaving them a drentched mess. I looked down at my body that was not covered up. Everything was pale, so pale. A mark laid near my left hip. It was to hard to describe and I stared at it.

"Someone get the girl some close!" someone ordered. It was the person I drenched earlier. I felt someone pick me up and carry me off bridle style. The last thing of that room I saw was a cold white container that held a boy with dark blue hair. Why does he seem so firmilar?

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