Valentines? Valentines. [3 crows & a cat]

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Valentines? Valentines. [Tobio, Noya, Hinata, Kuroo]

-It's Valentines :D


Kageyama, who is behind you is holding a box of chocolates that you really like. He was shaking mad in front of you though- "Hff--- Haf---"  You chuckle at your blushing boyfriend.You calmed him down first, gave him a few pats on the back and when he's all calmed down, he signed and gave you the chocolates. "H-Happy Valentines (Name)."


"(NAMEEEEEEEEEE-CHANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN)!!!!!!"  Your precious ball of sunshine Noya, came running down the hall way and tackled you when he reached you. Noya embraces you tightly (and then helped you up lols), gave you a bouquet of flowers then smiled brightly like all his smiles that he gives you (and everyone else tho) everyday. "Happy Valentines! "


Precious cinnamon roll Hinata is beside you sitting on the rooftop bench. Both gazes up above. "Neh, (Name)-chan !" Hinata starts. You tilt your head slightly to the right and replied with a short hum. He smiles widely and took his bag, actually having trouble taking something out ( :^) ) (igottastoplolsry) "Got it ! :D"  From his bag is a (f/c) teddy bear. He gives you the cute teddy and hugs you. "Happy Valentines (Name)-chan~ "


Finally, class is over. (You survived yay) The tall young attractive male with his famous bed-hair, who is sitting behind you- called you and of course you looked back. He greets you with his usual cat grin. "Heya babe ;^)" He says, and you replied with an "Eh- (-v-; )". Kuroo chuckled at your response as he gets something from his pocket. He throws the thing to you and luckily, you caught it. It was a box that was cutely wrapped. You opened it and oh- a pretty silver heart locket is in it (inside is your face and Kuroo's face lols) "Happy Valentines (Name) ;)"

a/n: Heya bruhs it's been a while lols sorry---- but hey lols here's a come back (?) xD I uploaded this 11:14 pm and didn't wait for valentines cause I'm awesome lol joke- I uploaded this earlier because I might forget to post this lols so yeah.. uh.. hi lol

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