A somber night within him

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As soon as I emerged, I knew it was a mistake. Firstly, the room had to be packed because I was by myself and no one could see what was going on in such a big crowd. Second, no one looked inviting. Not even a little bit. Most of them had creepy eyes that bared on me or the other maids. And some even had fangs visible. Third was that creepy music plus creepy vampires equals scared seventeen year old girl.

I took a deep breath and started to walk around the room offering drinks to those who didn't look too scary. But not looking too scary didn't mean that they still didn't look scary. One of them called me over and when I saw what they looked like my heart jumped. They were probably the freakiest looking vampires I'd ever seen. They were wearing all black with bright blue eyes one green another blue. They had short hair and had two drinks of that red colored stuff called blood. I walked over and asked them what they wanted.

"I'd like you" He said.

"She's not for sale" Said a voice oh too familiar. Cindy. She was one of the waitress's and walked over and started to pull me away.

"She can speak for herself" The vampire said. "So how about it sweetie? You want to take this to the back room?"

"No" I said.

"No? Oh I don't think I like that word" He said getting up. Cindy pulled me back.

"She's seventeen" Cindy said. "Leave her alone"

"What's going on?" Arlen asked walking over.

"Your maids aren't very fun" The vampire said.

"You can have the taller one" Arlen said. "The shorter one isn't one of us and is of royal blood. If I could I'd give you her, but it's the vampire law"

"Fine then whatever I can get" The vampire said grabbing Cindy's wrist and dragging her back behind two lavender sheets that hung behind the tables.

"Wow Arlen I'm surprised" I said. "Who knew it be you to save me?"

"Don't get used to it" He said walking off.

Well maybe Arlen was being serious when he'd said it was the vampire law. And I never had been vampire. But both of my parents had been.

By the time the dance had ended I was walking out to go change out of the dress when I bumped into someone.

I looked up into the most amazing eyes I'd ever seen. And my heart was beating really hard. Because I knew exactly who this person was. And I was trying not to start crying because I knew if I did, my life would crumble down into nothing.

"Seren?" He asked. "Do you remember me?"

"Of course I do" I said. "Your Beau"

He pulled his arms around me and I accepted the hug but then I retreated upstairs to go change. After I did I went back downstairs and Beau was waiting at the kitchen table.

"I waited for thirteen years" I said.

"I know"

"And you never called me once"

"I know"

"Do you know how many times I cried because I thought you'd really meant it when you'd said that you were never coming back? Wait what are you doing back?"

"I think I found out a way to reverse the curse I have"

"Curse what curse?"

"Don't you remember?" Beau asked. "When I was reading you that bedtime story and your parents came out of the mirror and struck me with that darkness?"

"Yeah I do"

"And that darkness is still inside me. If you come with me we can get rid of it but I really need your help Seren"

"Why should I help you? You left me"

"I did it to protect you"

"And I was alone all those years. No one would play with me. Or even look at me without rushing out to the room to go and do something!"

"I promise you that if you help me, I'll never leave you again. But I really need you to help"

"What exactly do you need me to help you with?"

"Well I finally realize what that darkness inside me is. It's called somber night. Somber night is a meaning of darkness and causes me to act as if I'm possessed by evil. The only way to get rid of it is to get a few items that you don't get easily without a fight"

"Are you saying it like we have to go on some stupid quest to get the magical mushroom that turns you into a rainbow?"

"Where did that come from?" Beau asked.

"Nevermind. Let's just do this before Arlen comes in and see's you. I have a feeling he doesn't like you"

"Arlen? Is he the king now?"

"Yeah. He's controlling and makes everyone do work. He even made me be a cocktail waitress"

"That's messed up" Beau said.

"So when do we have to do that thing?" I asked.


"Okay so until tommarow?"

"I'm not sure, I haven't been here in years, and the last time I saw Arlen he wasn't exactly friendly"

"Then you won't be welcome here" I said.

And then I suddenly remembered. The box I'd left for Beau. It was lying on my bedside table.

"You never took the present" I said.

"What present?" He asked.

"The one I made you when I was five"

"Oh, I forgot about it" He said.

"Whatever it was just some stupid twigs and leaves. Why don't I just hide you in my room for tonight and we can leave tommarow"

"Okay" He said. "Then let's go before Arlen does see us"

A somber night within himWhere stories live. Discover now