A somber night within him

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Beau stared down at the girl he held in his arms. Only a few months old inheriting her mother’s charcoal black hair and her father’s crystal gazed eyes. Her eyes were blue and as clear as ocean water with the meer hint of emerald green. Her skin was pale but not pale enough to make it look like she was a vampire, which she should have been. But she was as living and breathing as he was. Both of her parents were vampires and in the luck of the draw, she’d turned out to be a human. In times like these Beau was called to come and bless her. Blessing her was a ceremony that was held. He would be in front of a crowd and would have to kiss her forehead to show that he was proving her worthy of life. Of all of the humans he'd blessed, Seren was the most precious. He loved her with all of his heart in a way that he sometimes didn’t even understand. He just knew that she was kept close to him for reasons like this.

“There almost ready Seren” He whispered leaning his head closer down to her. She stared back up at him making his heart jerk. In her eyes, he felt as if she really did love him. Then with her hands she reached up to the small clock he held. Engraved inside the case were thin painted roman numerals. He held it above her as he sat down at the steps of the white stage. She stared into the clock with her small fingers outstretched to it. A bell chimed making Beau jump and he quickly slid the hand sized clock into his pocket and got up and went to take his place on the stage. He handed Seren to another woman who set her on a small table filled with green and blue flowers. She didn’t fuss but instead kept her small blue eyes on Beau.

“Ladies and gentlemen” Beau spoke. “I am here to show you the blessing of Seren Adelaide Praife. Another human will be blessed today, along with your honor and respect over the king and queen and our unforgetable tragedy"

A candle was lit from a table on the side of the table Seren laid. She stared into Beau’s own blue eyes like he wouldn’t believe. Then he took a step forward and pressed his hands to the edge of the table. He leaned forward catching the audience’s attention and gently pressed his lips over her warm skin.

After the ceremony ended Beau waited by the steps of the stage when someone approached him. His name was Arlen Haile. Arlen had brown hair and was a concieving man.He had slits for eyes with the impression of a catlike green. He walked up to Beau and spoke with a shrill and cold voice.

“What happened to the king and queen?” He asked. “You mentioned tragedy so I assumed the worst. But you tell me. What did happen to thier royal highness?"

“They were killed in a plane crash" Beau responded.

Arlen decided to change the subject.

“It was, interesting to watch you today” He said. “I’ve never seen a man kiss a baby like you do. You should be lucky I didn't mention you off as something off a pedophile to the royal guards"

 Beau stared into his distrusting eyes with a hardness within his own. If this man were to ever be king, he wouldn't know what to do with himself.

 “If you’ll excuse me” Beau said making his way out of the auditorium and into the guest room. Most of the audience had already left or were staying the night. The palace provided a hotel. Beau had grown to learn the ways of the royals when he first started his job. He waited until most of them had left to find one of the maids Cindy.

“Hey” He said when he got to Cindy. Cindy had blonde hair and beautiful brown eyes. She had knotted her hair back into a bun and was diligently pulling off the bed sheets.

“Hi” She said not looking at him at all. “I’m kind of busy Beau. You know I work shift after six”

“I’m sorry to bother you” Beau said. “But I have to ask you a question. It’ll only take a minute”

“Well, what is it?” Cindy asked.

“Do you know about Arlen Haile?”

Cindy stiffened and Beau realized he’d must have gotten into something personal.

“We dated a while ago before I even started a job here” Cindy said. She walked over to the single bed beside the first one.

“What do you think of him?”

“I hated him and I hate him now” Cindy said pulling off her last bed sheet and hurrying out of the room with all of the others.

“What did he do to make you hate him so much?” Beau asked following her quickly down the palace stairs into the main room and down the hall into the bathroom. Cindy threw the sheets into the wash and started to turn on the machine.

“He broke my heart” Cindy said. Her voice got weak and crackly. “He really wanted to be the king when we were in high school. I always told him that the chances were slim and that he’d never be able to. I guess it really bothered him so he decided he wasn't going to date someone who didn't share the same narrow interest as himself. Tell him he’ll never be king and he’ll ruin your life. But anyways, now that he was here today at the ceremony I realized he was going to try and go after being king. The only thing I’m worried about is that if he does become king, what will happen to my job? Or me?”

“Like you said, the chances are slim” Beau reminded her. “Thanks about Arlen. To tell you the truth, I thought something was off about him"

“Always has been and always will” Cindy said as she headed back upstairs. Beau went to go and get himself dinner at the palace restaurant when he passed by the signup sheet to be king. He looked down at the list reading over the names. Only three had signed up.

James Spear

Gregory Faith

Arlen Haile

His breath caught in his throat. With only three participants, the chances now weren’t slim at all. And now that Arlen was trying to become king, what would it do for his job himself?

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