A somber night within him

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A somber night within him chapter 6.

I drew up the stairs and tore to my room. I closed my door and turned to breathe in all of the empty space around me. I was alone, and Beau was gone. I may have been five but I knew that he was serious about leaving. And he had left.

My eyes caught the opened box lying on my bedside table. Beau had forgotten his present, but there was no way he'd be getting it now. I decided that it didn't matter because Beau probably didn't even like it. And he never would get the chance to tell me because was was gone.


Gone was a word I didn't like to hear and didn't have to hear often. But now that it had become so real and so vivid, all that there was left to do was cry.


Beau walked into the house and set down his things. He would have to get used to staying here and being without Seren. He was in his other world now, a world of nonsense and make believe. Tomorrow this house would probably be a tree that he was sleeping in. He never knew what would happen but it always surprised him. And now all he wanted to do was sit down and think for a while.

And all that kept on coming back to him was Seren. Seren, Seren, Seren. Like a song that was stuck in his head. But he needed to get over it. She was so young and had such a life ahead of her. If he wasn't there, things would be so much easier. And she'd get over him now that he wasn't. But no matter how hard he tried, his heart still ached at the thought of her being alone.


Two years later the elections were finished and the king would be announced. Seren was anxious to find out who had won. There were only two left. Gregory and Arlen. One of them would win and Seren didn't really care who did, but she still wanted to find out.

When she woke up that morning she raced downstairs to the kitchen and requested some pancakes and afterwards headed back upstairs to get dressed. That was how her life worked. She got herself dressed, and requested what she wanted for food. She was tutored at the palace and did pretty much whatever else she wanted for the rest of the day. She still missed Beau a lot. He was the only one who ever spent time with her and made her day always fun. But when she tried to play with the cooks and maids they were always too busy to do anything. It made her feel sad and so she stopped playing for a while.

An hour later she went into the throne room where the elections were ready to start. She sat down at a chair and watched. For a while it was too boring and she almost left but she really wanted to know who'd won. And finally that time had come.

"Our winner is" Said someone on stage. "Arlen Haile"

A few cheers and a few groans. And as Seren looked up she saw someone stand as a crown was placed upon his head. He had a smirk plastered across his face and for some reason Seren didn't like the thought of him being the king. She wasn't sure why.

Then after the crowd had dispersed, Arlen walked down off the stage and over to Seren.

He still had that smirk on his face when he said to her "Things are going to be a lot different around here"



A somber night within himWhere stories live. Discover now