A somber night within him

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Beau woke up on the floor of Seren’s bedroom. How had he gotten there? His back hurt like hell and most importantly, where was Seren?

And then he remembered. The mirror and the pain and scaring the life out of the girl he loved. Oh no…

Where was Seren?

He got up quickly and rushed out into the hall. He ran into Cindy who had been just the person he was looking for.

“Have you seen Seren?” He asked.

“She’s been hiding in the closet Beau. No one can get her to come out of there. All she keeps saying is that she’s afraid of you”

“I promise you it was nothing” Beau said. But Cindy didn’t look so sure.

“She says that you’re a monster. But what did you really do last night Beau?”

“I-I don’t know. That’s what I’m trying to figure out”

He went over to the closet and knocked on the door.

“Who is it?” Seren’s voice asked.

“Beau” He said softly.

“Go away!” She shouted.

“I’m not a monster and I won’t hurt you” Beau promised. “Please just let me in so I can explain”

“Explain what?”

“Explain what happened last night. I never wanted to scare you. I’m a little bit confused too”

The door opened a crack, and Beau peeked in.

“I would never hurt you” He said. It opened wider and Seren appeared sitting behind the door on the floor of the closet.

“You looked so mean”

“That’s because it wasn’t me”

“It wasn’t?”

“No. Something bad happened and I was too close to that bad evil thing. So it hurt me, but I’m okay now”

He held out his hand as if taking it would prove him being okay.

She reached out and touched his hand. The world dimmed and Seren was the only one there. The only girl he ever loved. She started to have that look in her eyes again. As if she felt it too.

But then Beau felt a responsibility within him so sorrowfull he couldn't deny it's truthfullness. He had to get away from the palace and Seren. He couldn't be around her if all he would do was hurt her. The darkness within him was too strong. And he had to go.

A somber night within himWhere stories live. Discover now