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     "So, we have to be confined to the tower?" I ask Thor.
     The Norse god sighs. "I suppose, if that is the only way to keep you all safe."
     Tony and Steve stay silent behind me. Steve still has his hand on my back to reassure me that everything will be okay.
     "Well, let's start our confinement." Tony mutters, pushing Steve and I inside.
     Thor follows, unsure of what to do. The four of us go down the elevator, down and down. When the doors open, Clint has a bow prepared to shoot, Natasha has a dagger, and Bruce just stands in the corner rolling his eyes.
     "It was Thor?" Natasha asks. "It was Thor?"
     "Got us all hyped up for nothing." Clint says, lowering his bow.
     "Welcome back to the Avengers Tower, Thor." Bruce says. "I bet you didn't miss it."
     "I am not going to answer that," the god says. "But now the all Avengers are here."
     "You were speaking with three to start with." I mutter.
     Thor turns his head around to look at me. "Heimdall did not inform me that you are an Avenger."
     "Learn something new everyday," Tony says.
     "Wait, what's going on?" Clint asks.
     "You all need to be confined to the tower." Thor says.
     "What?" the three Avengers question.
     "Chain reaction of H.Y.D.R.A.." I quickly state.
They nod and keep their mouths closed. Steve steps closer to me, putting an arm around me and resting it on my hip. I want to question his actions, but I keep my mouth shut along with the others.
"Now what?" Natasha asks.
"I am of no importance here," Thor says. "I can return to Asgard."
"Wait, Thor," Tony says. "Don't just leave. While you're here, we can do something."
I eye Mjölnir, examining its patterns. Thor sets it on a table and continues to talk about H.Y.D.R.A.'s plans. A smile spreads across my face.
"I dare you to try and pick up the hammer." I whisper to Steve.
He grins but whispers back to me that he should wait and that I have to try, as well. We shake our hands in agreement.
Tony stares at the hammer too. "Thor," he asks. "Can I try and lift Mjölnir? It's just so tempting."
The god laughs. "Go ahead."
Tony flees to the hammer like an excited child and grips the handle with two hands. Everyone watches him, waiting for him to attempt to lift it. He pulls up, the hammer not budging. He tries again and again, but Mjölnir doesn't move.
"I suppose that you are not worthy," Thor says.
"Steve, your turn." I smirk.
He laughs and steps to the hammer. He wraps his hands around it and pulls, Mjölnir creaking. Thor's face drops, a worried and terrified expression. He knows what that little wobble means.
"Not quite," the god chokes out.
"Tori, your turn." Steve grins.
I roll my eyes playfully and step up to the hammer. Just as I get a good grip on the leather handle, J.A.R.V.I.S. speaks.
"Sir, you have a call." the computer says.
"Who?" Tony asks.
"Director Fury."
Tony groans. "Fine."
He takes out his cell phone and answers. I release the hammer and step back to Steve. He raises an eyebrow at my brother, wondering what he is saying.
"Okay, bye," Tony says, ending the call. "He wanted to tell me that was are restricted to the tower because of an attack."
"Right," I say. "We are already restricted here."
"Yep," Tony says. "Can we watch a movie, or something?"


Steve and I sit on a sofa, me resting my head on his shoulder. Everyone else sits at their own sofas, eating popcorn and watching the movie in the complete darkness. Steve throws popcorn in his mouth every once and a while. I don't pay any attention to the movie that Tony chose, but to the clock. Time seems to tick by, not waiting on anything. Before I know it, it's almost midnight.
Once the ending credits roll, everyone stands from their seats and puts their dirty bowls into the dishwasher. Steve and I put our things away last, being the only ones not in bed. I yawn as he speaks.
"You're exhausted," Steve states.
"No, no, I'm not." I say, holding back another yawn.
"C'mon," he says, taking my hand and leading me to my bedroom.
We stop at my door, waiting to find the correct words to say goodbye. The only thing that I can do is press my lips against his.
"I love you," I mumble against his lips.
"I love you too," he says.

Into the Snow || A Captain America Love StoryOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora