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Brian's POV:

My eyes flutter open. They then start to squint, due to the light that's beaming through into the bedroom. I forgot to close the curtains last night. Shit. I sit up and rub my eyes, I grab my phone and look at the time. 2:00pm. Oh how jolly! No school. Woohoo! My parents are out on some business shenanigan. So they won't be home until next week. Otherwise my ass would be kicked right to the moon if they were here and they found out I ditched school. I climbed out of bed and stretched, hearing my bony body click every now and then. I look over to see an empty bed and couch. Pogo and Jeordie are probably downstairs. I put on a t shirt and some jeans and made my way down to the kitchen. "Morning" I heard Jeordie say. I smiled. "Morning J, sleep well?" He mumbled "yeah" I knew he didn't but I'm not going to question it. "You feeling better?" I asked him. It was a relief to hear his answer. "Yes actually, I can't feel any pain any more, see?" He got up from his seat and started to dance. He then sat back down with a giggle. I laughed. "That's great!" I sat down at the kitchen table. "You guys hungry or what?" "Oh, Pogo ordered pizza about 10 minutes ago, so it should be here soon." I nodded.  "Where is Pogo anyway?" I asked. "Hmm? Oh! Pogo went to the bathroom and he's been in there for, um, God knows how long." I nodded again. "Alright, I'm gonna go check on him." I got up and went upstairs to our bathroom. I knocked. Nope, nothing. "Pogo! Open the door, are you in there" all I heard was a groan. I found a bobby pin on the ground so I decided to pick the lock.  I opened the door to find a Pogo sitting on the toilet seat, jacking off. Groaning as he did it. "Fuck sakes pogo, you could've done it somewhere else!" Nope! Too busy focussing on his climax point. I rolled my eyes and slammed the door, hearing another loud groan. Gross. I wandered back downstairs. I looked at Jeordie. He had a raised eyebrow. I chuckled. "He's a loner, don't even ask." He seemed to understand what I just said. "Ohhhh, ew that's gross." I chuckled again. I switched on the TV. Nothing was on really, so we just decided to watch an old black and white film that was on one of the channels. Horror film might I add. One of those old vampire Dracula thingies.

***knock knock***

"I'll get it J" I stood up and opened the door, expecting to find a pizza delivery guy, but was instead greeted by a Zim Zum. I smiled nervously. "Hi" I said. "Hey, um. There was this party thing that I was invited to and I was told I could bring some Friends, so do you and Jeordie and whoever else is with you, do you guys wanna come?." I didn't know to say yes or no. What about Jeordie? He said he felt fine. Pogo would be alright with it, considering he'll hit up some slut and be happy for the night. "Yeah, we'll be there" Zim handed me a piece of paper with the address. "Thanks" "See ya Brian" as soon as Zim left, the guy with the pizza came. I took the pizza, payed and closed the door, wandering back over to Jeordie. "POGO! PIZZA!" I yelled. He's probably still in the bathroom. As we ate pizza in silence, Jeordie decided to kill it. "Who as that at the door" he asked.
"Oh, just Zim"
"What'd he say?"
"He just invited us to a party"
"What'd you say?"
"I said we will be there"
We sat in another moment of silence until pogo came down, looking very pleased. He was about to pick up a slice of pizza until I slapped his hand. "What?!" He glared at me. "I hope you washed your hands." He rolled his eyes. "No one else is going to be touching my jizz except for me so don't you worry Marilyn, I'll be just fine" "eww" I heard Jeordie say. Pogo chuckled. "Oh by the way Pogo, Zim invited us to some party tonight. We'll be there by 8. I don't even know what time it ends. Probably like 5am." I explained. "Yeah okay." Pogo didn't seem to mind. Jeordie decided to speak again. "So what's with this, Marilyn Manson, Madonna Wayne gacy, Daisy Berkowitz stuff?" I decided to explain." Well, we take the first name of a well known American female  icon, and the last name of a Serial Killer. For example- Marilyn Monroe , plus , Charles Manson , equals , Marilyn Manson." He nodded his head. "I think we need one for you Jeordie. Considering you're going to be joining our band" I smiled. He turned to face me. "W-what? I'm joining your band? But you haven't even heard me play yet?" He whined. "Yes I have. I heard you play at that Music Store, and to me you sounded pretty badass!" His cheeks flushed red. I held out my hand. "Welcome to Marilyn Manson and the Spooky Kids, Jeordie." He smiled and shook my hand. "Anyway Jeordie, we need a name for you.
Pogo, think of a serial killer, I'll think of a female icon" Pogo nodded. I stared at Jeordie for a while. "Fashion icon" I whispered to myself. "Brian I've got s few serial killers" Pogo finally said. "Alright, let's hear them" "Jeffrey Dahmer, Richard Ramirez, and, oh thats all" I nodded my head. "Hmm. There's Twiggy, you know that model that's stick thin. And hmm. Madonna? Wait no, nevermind. " I thought for a bit. Twiggy Dahmer. No that doesn't sound right. Twiggy Ramirez. I guess that's the only one left considering I can't think at all. "How about Twiggy Ramirez?" Jeordie nodded his head. "Yeah I like that. Considering you are stick thin." Pogo poked him. "Well then Jeordie. You are now Twiggy Ramirez!" That sounds really cool. For half of the day we decided just to laze around until 8pm. We are pizza. We talked about stuff. Prank called people, watched TV. Nothing much really. But 8pm finally came and we got ready. I just got dressed in a black singlet, black skinny jeans with chains, my beloved studded platform boots and a leather jacket. I put on more makeup that usual. More under the eyes and smudged black lipstick. Pogo just put on lipstick and eyeliner. Jeordie put on quite a bit of makeup. Lots of white powder, all around the eyes with black eyeliner and wore red lipstick. He got back into his pink dress and black fishnets and combat boots. Damn did he look good. We all rushed downstairs. I grabbed my keys, locked the house and we all jumped into my car. I followed the address Zim gave me and we ended up outside a house with loud music being blasted and people falling and laughing outside. I got out of the car, followed by Twiggy, hehe I love that name, and Pogo. I locked my car and we wandered inside the house. Pogo disappeared to go find some slut probably but Twiggy clung onto my arm like a squirrel to its nut. I looked down to him. He looked back up. "Go on Twiggs, go wander around, if you need me just scream. Really loud!" He stood there for a minute, probably thinking. He then let go and hugged me before wandering off. He's cute.

Twiggy's POV:

I decided I would walk around alone. Just to let Brian have his space. Then again you can't really get space in here. It's crowded. I eventually made my way to a chair near the corner of the room. I saw a few beer bottles sitting beside me. I picked one up and attempted to drink it. The alcohol burned the back of my throat. But I ignored it. Before I knew it, I had chugged down about 3 bottles of beer. That felt like a lot to me. I stood up but almost fell over. Ive never had alcohol before, so this is pretty new to me. I kept waking, trying to find the kitchen to get some water, I almost face planted until someone caught me. I stood up and grabbed the wall for some balance. I looked up and saw a confused Zim Zum staring back at me. I smiled and attempted to talk, but all I could feel was a gag and I knew I was going to vomit. I rushed past everyone and made my way to the kitchen and I immediately vomited into the sink. I could feel somebody holding back my dreads as I threw up. When I was finished, I grabbed a glass of water and chugged it, I then sunk to the floor and I wiped my mouth. Zim stood in front of me. Oh god this is embarrassing. I smiled. He smiled back. I went to stand up but flopped back down on my legs instead. "Oh god Jeordie, come with me" but before I could protest Zim hauled me up and I put my arm around his shoulder for balance. And that's all I remember before I blacked out.....

A/N: Heyooo what's up? Thanx for reading, I really appreciate it! Be sure to vote, comment and whatever else. Thankyou! Love you xxxx <3

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