Putting holes in happiness

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Jeordie's POV:

A/N: So time has skipped now. It's maybe about 3 months later and they've all gotten to know each other now. So they're more experienced. Please keep reading, don't let me disturb you! :)

I sat in the back of Marilyn's car, waiting for him, Ginger and Daisy to go get pizza. I'm pretty sure Marilyn wanted to literally get out of the house otherwise he would've ordered the pizza. Someone cleared their throat. I jumped and turned to see Zim sitting next to me. I let out a small sigh. "Fuck Zim, I didn't know you were there" he smirked. "Oh I'm here alright." I started to feel a little bit awkward. Earlier on I only just saw Zim look at me weird. It made my insides turn and I don't know why. It was kind of a - I like you, but I don't - kind of look. Which makes absolutely no sense to me. "Hey um, Jeordie?" I turned my attention to Zim. "Yeah?" "I'm just going to warn you now, Brian .....um, isn't...." He pinched the bridge of his nose "ah fuck how am I supposed to say this" he muttered to himself. He looked at me. "Just watch out,.... of Brian. He doesn't always have a good side to him. And if you ever need me, I'm always here. Okay?" I felt a rush of emotions come upon me. I was confused by what he said. Very confused. What does he mean, 'watch out for Brian' ? Is it bad? Is it good? Jesus Christ, what the fuck does it mean?! "Jeordie??" A hand waved in front of my face. I snapped back to reality. "Umm y-yeah, yep, uhh, okay, t-thanks." I tried to force a smile. Why are you so awkward Jeordie, Jesus. Zim smiled back. Oh thank god.

Marilyn's POV:

"Fuuuuucking hell" I whispered to myself. The line of people has not decreased, if anything it's increased. I leant my face into my hands. I heard pogo growl under his breath. He was pissed off. When it comes to food, and he's been waiting for more than 10 minutes and he's still hungry, he will get the the point of screaming at them. And that's just what happened. No one gets in between Pogo and his food. He stood up viciously. I looked at him, then at Daisy. Daisy was smirking. I then looked at Ginger who was waiting for Pogo's rage to start then finish. I looked back to Pogo. He marched right up to the counter, barging through anybody in his way. I could hear a few "Watch where your going"'s and "what the hell man" but no, no. Pogo gave less than a fuck to what everyone said. "Could you guys hurry the fuck up because I'm starving and you aren't working fast enough!!" I heard pogo snap towards the guy that was taking orders. "Excuse me sir but w-" He was cut off by pogo raising his voice slightly. "Don't 'excuse me sir' me. I'm hungry as a motherfucker and I've been waiting too fucking long, could you work faster or get someone else who is because that would really fucking help" I heard a few profanities and yelling before pogo dragged himself out the door and back to the car. Daisy was still smiling but I could see he was pissed off as well. Ginger shot me a look to signal 'finally'. I sighed and got up, signalling for the guys to follow me. We all walked out and left.


"You know I -" Zim was cut off by the slamming of the front seat door. I looked up and saw pogo staring out the window with a face full of frustration. "What happened" I asked pogo. He continued staring out the window. "I got pissed off cause no one would fucking hurry up and so they kicked me out" Marilyn soon got in the car followed by Daisy and ginger. Marilyn sighed. "Right, any body hungry" nobody said anything. "Alright, let's just go somewhere. Any suggestions" "OOOH OOOH, I KNOW WHE-" "No ginger we are not!" Ginger was cut of by Marilyn. "Let me finish Marilyn, Jesus. I was going to say to the music store but clearly you don't want to." Ginger folded his arms. "Oh.... I thought you were going to say something else." Marilyn scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment. "Ewwwww Marilyn groooss!" Ginger said. I giggled. "Shut the fuck up ginger, what was I expecting, other than a sex store." I heard someone snicker. We sat in silence for a second until I decided to kill it. "We should ummm.... Probably do... Something." "Oh I will do someone, probably not something. God knows what that something is." Said ginger. "I didn't mean it like that Gi-" "yeah yeah I know Jeordie, your right though. We SHOULD GET MOVING!" He yelled the last part towards Marilyn. "Right!" Said Marilyn. He started the car "To the music place, shop, band supply, usual hang out, blow all our money on , place we go!!" I giggled at his comment. "I'm so funny" exclaimed Marilyn.

~A few minutes later~

"alright guys, we're here" Marilyn stopped the car. "WOOHOO!" Ginger yelled as he immediately jumped out of the car and ran straight into the music store. "Oh how convenient" said Marilyn. We all got out and headed straight into the store. I scanned the room until I found a large sign saying

"Yusssss" I said under my breath and I skipped over to the bass like a little girl. I smiled to myself. I scanned along all the bases. Black ones, red ones, multi coloured. I kept looking until my eyes fell onto one that looked like heaven. "Holy shit" I whispered. I went over to it. A black Gibson Thunderbird. I've always wanted one of these. I picked it off the rack and decided to try it out. I grabbed a lead and plugged it into an amp that was used for testing. I played a few tunes I had made up. I played around with the tunes and the knobs. It sounded perfect. I looked at the price tag. $199.00. HOLY FUZZZ! My jaw dropped at how cheap this was. I soon felt a light tap on my shoulder. I jumped slightly as I was interrupted from my thoughts. I turned around to see Brian smirking at me. "heh. I made you jump." I sat awkwardly. He cleared his throat. "Um. Watcha doing there?" He asked. I raised the bass and then pointed to the amp. "Ahhh okay" he nodded. "Do you like it?" I nodded. "Awesome" he picked it up. "W-what are you doing?" He looked at me with a face full of confusion. "I'm buying it for you of course." He smiled. My eyes grew wide. "Oh. No! No! Don't. No, you don't have to. No um. Don't worry about it." He chuckled "Nonsense. I'm buying it for you." "No, please don't. No don't worry it's fine , you don't have to." I rambled. "Nope! Too bad. I'm buying it for you because I want to. Plus your other one got smashed so...." He made a fart noise with his lips. I giggled like a kid. I swear I could've heard him say "aww" he picked up the guitar again and unplugged it. I watched him walk away with it until I couldn't see him. I stood up and walked around the shop for a bit until I came upon Pogo, staring at some girls ass. He nudged me "hey see her, yeah her. Nice ass she has there. Mmmmm" I literally spun around to the other direction on my heels. I walked over to ginger who was looking as focused as ever on a drum kit. He looked at me and smiled. "Hey there J" "hey" I replied. He kept staring at the drum kits until Marilyn came over to us, alongside with Pogo. "Cmon guys we're going" "OHHHHHHHH do we have to Marilyn, cmon uhhhhh." Ginger exclaimed. Marilyn looked amused. "Sorry gingy, gotta go. Oh, here's your bass by the way." He smiled at me. I smiled back and took the bass from his hands. Damn his hands are soft. I wonder if they fit in mine. No! Stop it Jeordie. Just be patient Jesus! I held the bass and waited for Gingers little whining session to finish. Once he gave up we went back to the car and decided to drive back to Marilyn's place. As soon as we got there we all went up stairs to Marilyn's bedroom and flopped onto the floor. I looked over at the clock. It read 4:30pm. I sighed. Wait....WAIT! 4:30?! I sat up. "Fuck" I said. I put my hand on my forehead. "What?" Said Marilyn. "Oh,uh. Nothing. I just have to get home." Marilyn looked at me then smiled. "You can stay here if you want?" Oh shit. I cant stay here again. My dads going to seriously kill me. He didn't know I stayed over last night, and if I stay again, I'm going to get beaten until I die. Fuck! "No, it's okay. Thanks though. Also can I leave my bass here. Just for safe keeping?" I asked. "Yeah sure!" Marilyn replied. "I've got to go. See ya guys!" "BYE!" They all yelled back. I rushed back down the stairs and yelled goodbye to Marilyn's parents. After I rushed out of their house I finally got home. I stood in my driveway. Even looking at the house made me feel sick. My dad wasn't home. Holy shit, Thankyou. I sighed in relief and I got inside by climbing through my bedroom window. I plonked myself on my hard, ripped up mattress and I thought about everything that happened. I think I might be developing feelings for Brian. I still prefer to call him Brian over Marilyn. I hope he doesn't mind though. The one thing that I couldn't take my mind off of was what Zim Zum said. "Watch out for Brian" I repeated this in my head. I picked up my phone, then remembered I didn't get any of their numbers. Except Brian's but I don't know where I left the piece of paper. Dammit! I kept thinking about what Zim said. "And if you ever need me, I'm always here." does Zim like me. Every time I looked at him I felt butterflies in my stomach. He's so quiet though. I don't even know much about him. And that's the most I've ever heard him speak. I decided just to sleep. I have too much to think about and I'm really tired. For once, actually twice now, I fell asleep happy and cosy, without any really sore bruises and cuts. I can finally fall asleep happy. And eventually I did. The sad thing was that I never heard my dad open my door and step into my room.

A/N: heyoooooo dudes. Sorry I took 305 years to update but here we go! And this is probably the longest chapter I've written. Sorry for the cliff hanger. Lol. But please vote and comment and stuff! It would be awesome if you did! Thanks! Love u <3

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