Coma white

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Jeordie's POV:

Im terrified, absolutely terrified. Im pretty sure I got to school early. A few people are hanging around, maybe 10 or 20 but not many. I sit upon a small table waiting to get this day over with. Suddenly people come crashing into the school grounds. As they walk past, they throw dirty and disgusted looks at me. I'm not surprised. I am a guy wearing a dress. I clutch my metal KISS lunchbox to calm myself as more looks come my way. I pull out my phone from my lunchbox and check the time. 8:45am. Well, I guess it's time to wander on over. I walk to the main office nervously to get my schedule. A lady sits behind her desk with her glasses hanging halfway off her nose while she stares at a computer. She suddenly looks up at me and gives me a weak smile "Hello, what can I do for you?" She asks. " new h-here" I manage to stutter out quickly. "Ah yes" she stares at a piece of paper. "Jeordie Osbourne White?" She looks at me. "Y-yes, that's me.." "Awesome" she claps her hands together and finally snatches up a piece of paper, which is meant to be my schedule for today. All I see is times, classes and, black letters. "Let me show you to your first class and you're all ready to go sweetie!" I cringe at the 'sweetie' part. But she seems nice, I think. I follow her down a few hallways which felt like 3 hours walking and finally she stops in front of a doorway and knocks. A man in glasses opens it up and stares at me blankly. He finally manages a smile. "You must be new here, eh?" I nod. "Alrighty then come on in". He pats my back and I watch the old office lady leave. I slowly step into the classroom, following closely behind the teacher. "Alright class" he says. The whole class is still loud "ALRIGHT CLASS!!" He screams. Everybody stops and the classroom awkwardly falls dead silent. "This is Jeordie, he is new to our school so please treat him with respect." The teacher smiled. He leant over to me and whispered."why don't you go sit over there with Brian." He pointed to a boy at the very back of the class with his head down sketching into an art book. I gulped and slowly made my way to the empty desk next to Brian. As I made my way through I could see people stick their tongues out at me and try to trip me up. "Fag" "Emo" I heard them say. I wanted to cry, I wanted to leave. I sat down and looked at Brian only to realise that he was looking back at me. He was beautiful. With long jet black hair and calm brown eyes with a very sweet looking smile. Every part of him I wanted to kiss. But I mentally screamed at myself to not even go down that pathway. I quickly looked back down at my lap before he saw me blush. For a while I blocked out most of the teachers babbling. I thought about Brian. He sure was stunning. I looked out of the corner of my eye and studied him a little bit. He wore a plain black Shirt, tight black jeans and knee high platform boots. I looked back to my desk and stared at it until I felt a light tap on my shoulder. It was Brian. My stomach was fluttering as I turned my attention to him and him only. He handed me a small note and smiled. I hid the note under the desk and read what it said.

Meet me outside the huge tree at lunch. :)


Maybe this day wouldn't be so bad after all.

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