Chapter 7: Twist and Turns

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Edited On: 12/17/19

That night was the day my life really changed and for the better. Who knew that the Avengers would adopt someone like me?

You're probably confused at what's happening. Well, let me explained what I just told you.

That was almost two years ago.

It's been almost two years since I lived with the Avengers and every day is something new and exciting. I wasn't worried about Gabe (who seemed to have suddenly gotten arrested). I didn't have to really worry about bullying, even if it still happens apparently learning your guardians are the Avengers puts fear into them.

But I was still deaf but that might be a probably soon. Tony said he was working on hearing aids that should fix what was wrong with my ears. Or at least that's the goal.

Pietro was like a big brother and literally took me everywhere. When every he wanted to show me something he always picked me up without my permission and suddenly I was in a new environment.

Course Wanda always reprimanded Pietro when he does saying how he should know better.

When I first came to the Avengers it was awkward and they didn't always know what I was saying, sometimes FRIDAY didn't know what I was saying because some of the signs I do are a bit different than how you're supposed to.

Paul my English teacher has been an extreme help especially now that he was my actual tutor, Bruce helped on the side when I was at home with something I didn't understand.

Now, you may be wondering, "Is this the end of the story?"

Absolutely not.

This. This is just the beginning of my new life.

Well, technically to me it's the past but for you guys. It's the future.

If you're confused. I'm talking from the future about my past. Weird, I know. Hope this isn't too confusing I don't normally do this kind of thing.

Anyway. Let's get back to the story shall we. I'll set the scene. Image a dark and gloomy night as thunder hit the window and the crows were croaking.

Now think of the complete opposite.

It was actually a beautiful day, the sun was shinning the birds were singing their happy little tune. I was eating ice-cream with Bruce as we walked in the park. Steve sometimes passing us as he ran with his friend Sam.

Moving a bit as I noticed the park I pointed toward it asking Bruce with my eyes if I could go over there and play.

He smiled and I took that as a yes. Quickly eating my ice-cream and the cone, Bruce making me wipe my hands before running off, I ran up the slide quickly.

I was a daredevil I know. Going up the slide is so dangerous it's fun. You never know when someone might go down and if there was if they were going to crash into you.

As I was playing I was just having fun and I noticed that Bruce sat on one of the benches looking between me and Steve who also sat down for a bit waiting for Sam to catch up.

I looked around trying to see if I could find Sam when I saw a guy holding a leash looking desperate and scared.

Deciding if I should approach the strange, my heart giving in. I got off the playground and walked over to the man, "Can I help you, sir?" I signed hoping he understood

"My dog got off her leash and I can't find her." The man looked so desperate and sad that my heart clenched especially when he knew sign language.

"Can I help you find your dog, sir?" I signed him kindly.

"I wouldn't want you to get in trouble," The man signed trying to talk me out of it.

"What does your dog at least look like?" I signed instead my mind determined to help the poor fellow.

"She's a small collie mixed with a beagle." The man signed back and as an afterthought signed, "Her name is Fluff. When you're older make sure you don't let your three-year-old name them," he signed with a small smile.

The man relented and allowed me to help search for his dog. Eventually, we found the dog near a small fountain not too far away.

"Thank you," The man signed looking really happy to find his dog.

"It's no problem. But I must get back to my guardians," I signed as I gave the guy a smile and pet the dog once on the head and started to run back toward the playground.

This is where my story of how my life started to twist and turn.

Deaf Percy Jackson and the Avenger (No Greek Mythology) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now