Chapter 3: Tutor

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Edited On: 12/17/19

By the end of the day, I was in English and my teacher was telling me to try and find someone to help tutor me even if it was just in free time which was second to last period for me.

I sighed and collected my books now heading to my free period, but as I looked to see where I might be going. I knew the major bullies of the school had football practice and the other bullies were in other classes.

Deciding to go to Mr.Banner's class I took a right and entered the door, barely any students went to a substitute free period for some reason, perhaps because they were more prone to detention but I liked it.

Sitting at one of the desks I took a seat and reopened my English book to try and take notes. I was having a hard time because of my diagnosed dyslexia, most of the time I could push it aside but when it came to English it's like it wants to torture me.

I didn't realize it but I sighed in frustration as my eyes narrowed, I didn't notice Mr.Banner coming toward me to ask what was wrong until his hand touched my shoulder and I flinched away.

To him, it must have been a reaction of not noticing him, but it was a close call. In sign language, he asked, "What's wrong?" as he took a seat next to me.

In reply, I signed, "I'm having a hard time in English for multiple reasons." I started to glare at the textbook but moved back to Mr.Banner as his hands started to move again, "Want some help?"

I frowned in confusion. "You want to help me?" I signed in confusion about what he might be playing at. Most people just didn't help me.

He nodded and as a result, I shrugged and pushed my textbook closer to him so it was in between the two of us, no one was near and I could use the help. Explaining to him why I was failing was weird, normally I don't tell (or sign in this case) people this but here he was in understanding and then slowly started to explain certain things to me.

I managed to fill out certain papers with his help that I was positive I was going to do well on, he also taught me a trick that when I first read it do the sign language and if my dyslexia was happening stop, take a small break, and think about what I already read before trying to read again.

It helped a lot and I couldn't help but feel grateful. It must have been obvious because Mr.Banner just grinned and patted my back but stopped when I flinched away from the hand.

Thankfully I looked at the clock and saw it was time to go, quickly I put my stuff away and walked out of class without looking Mr.Banner in the eye only giving him a small wave.

But I knew that I messed up big time.

By the time I got home, I was exhausted and really didn't want to deal with Gabe (and his drunken breath). But I squared my shoulders slightly and pushed open the slightly crooked door of the apartment.

Walking up the steps carefully avoiding any squeaks, which I mastered when I could hear, I walked slowly past the living room but was stopped when I was pushed into the wall.

Looking up I saw Gabe sneer and then him starting to, drunkenly I realized, talk about how much money he had to waste on me and how I was good for nothing. He punched me once in the stomach and I bit my lips from either crying out.

Thankfully he was too drunk to notice I wasn't paying attention to him and he walked away. I winced as I got up, my stomach was going to be bruised tomorrow for sure.

Walking to my room, past the beer bottles and poker chips, I opened my door then closed it as I sat on my bed.

I sometimes really hated my life, but instead of doing anything irrational I got my textbook out and just looked at it.

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