Chapter 4: Help

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Edited On: 12/17/19

The weekend went by with little problem, I mostly stayed out of Gabe's way and studied for school or hung out in the park.

Grabbing my backpack I went down the stairs and toward the school. My leg was feeling much better and it was nice to actually be able to walk on it.

I managed to keep Gabe from knowing, if he knew my leg wasn't feeling so good right now he would yell at me for being weak or something about showing weakness. Something along with that stupid nonsense.

Hugging the jacket I had a little closer as a small Autumn breeze drifted over me, I wasn't too far away from my school when I saw them.

By them I mean the bullies and they still looked pretty mad at me. Taking off into a run once more I was ahead of them by a bit and climbed the stairs to the school easily taking two at a time and pushed open the door. Running through the halls, them being mostly empty as not many people were around, they were still hanging outside.

I planned on either Mr.Blofis or the Library to stay safe but my feet went another way. Before I knew it I pushed open the door the Mr.Banner's room panting my chest heaving.

Mr.Banner looked up sharply as the door swung open and his face hardened when he saw the three bullies just now stopping outside the door also breathing heavy and seemed to be pissed.

One pushed another and they bolted before Mr.Banner could say anything. I put my hands on my knees knowing I was panting and tried to suck in some breath.

Feeling a hand on my shoulder I looked up sharply and willed myself to not flinch but I knew my face portrayed panic.

Mr.Banner put his hands up in a 'calm down' motion and lead me to a seat as my breathing was now getting under control.

It was probably one of the times I ran my fastest, which is actually pretty fast for my small size. It was true I was a bit small for being 12 but the real reason was that I skipped two grades, when my mom was alive anyway.

Had my mom still been alive I'm sure I would've skipped another but Gabe doesn't want to pay for me, so I was stuck in this grade.

It's another reason why I don't have many friends. A 12-year-old in high school, talk about irony really. In sign language, Mr.Banner asked, "Are you ok." I nodded and got a water bottle I kept in my backpack and drank some of it.

"Have you talked to your parents about the bullies?" Mr.Banner asked

I tried when I was younger with Gabe but all I got was a small beating and a comment, "Man up Idiot." was what he said, or at least that was what I think he was just a bit drunk at the time.

I just shrugged in response and felt a little shame when Mr.Banner frowned in disapproval.

"We can have a conversation after school. I will explain what is happening and they can help," he said in sign language.

My eyes widen and I didn't notice my breathing turning into hyperventilating as I thought about what would happen if Mr.Banner asked Gabe to come in to discuss the bullies here.

I felt myself being moved and I started to move to get out of the grip on my shoulders but all the hand did was have me curl in on myself and rub my back.

Barely feeling my eyes close, I only noticed my breathing and tried to calm it. But the thoughts of what might happen if Gabe came was overwhelming and my brain kept telling me to move away from the hand.

But...this hand was gentle, not like Gabe's who often ended with bruises, it was soothing in a weird way. I focused on the hand and tried to control my breath, pushing all other thoughts aside and just focused on the hand rubbing my back.

Slowly, my breathing calmed down and I started to move. The hand drew back but I could feel it close by if I needed it. I wiped my face feeling the wetness on my cheeks but mostly stayed on the ground where I was.

Taking just a quick peek at the clock I was happy to know that I wasn't in this position that long for other classmates to come in and notice me.

Looking toward the person in front of me, I was relieved to know that it was in fact Mr.Banner. He sat down in front of me knowing that I was ok now. With sign language he started to talk, "You know I was in a similar situation like you." he signed

"Being deaf and bullied?" I signed trying to portray how sarcastic it was.

Mr.Banner shook as his face portrayed a frown but also seemed to be amused, and I could tell he was laughing even if it was slightly, "No, but my family life at home wasn't all great. And I skipped a couple grades just like you. I was shy and kids bullied me," Mr.Banner signed and my eyes widened for a split second before a frown marred my face.

"You got bullied?" I signed. How can a guy like this be bullied?

"Oh you have no idea, most of the time I was terrified of school but I always loved learning and it got me away from my house." The last part he said looking at me and I looked away but eventually looked back as his hands started to move again, "Anything wrong with your home?" he signed nonchalantly.

"Nothings wrong at home." If I could talk I would've said it bitterly and with anger, although I think my face portrayed it. Everything was wrong at my so-called home.

"Nothing wrong? Perfect family, perfect house?" Mr.Banner pushed.

I snapped and in sign language replied very fast showing my frustration, "Everything is just great I have an asshole of a stepfather who doesn't care about me. A dead mother and father. My life is just perfect," with that I scooped my bookbag stormed out of the classroom.

Sitting on the steps in front of the school I glared at the ground. If I could I would leave school, some part of me just said who cares, and then proceeds to go to the park.

But if I skip school they would alert Gabe and I'd have a bigger problem than what I have now.

It was still early and most of the kids were at the soccer field across the street and I was watching some of the kids play before I felt someone next to me.

"Look I'm sorry if I pushed a button. But it's my duty to alert social services if I think a student of mine is being abused at home," Mr.Banner signed awkwardly when I face him

"Just forget about it," I signed weakly, my arms feeling like lead and I felt my face paling a little. I was just tired of everything.

"Why don't you let someone help you?" Mr.Banner signed.

It was now or never really and hesitating I slowly said, "He killed my mom, I'm sure the official report says some homeless did but Gabe asked the guy to take the fall saying he would have a bed, a roof, and food. He threatened me. I wanted to tell someone for so long but my mom was the only one who ever cared about me. I-I'm terrified." The last bit I felt wetness slip down from my eye to my cheek as I had to repeat the last sentence because my arms felt heavy along with my heavy heart as I almost messed up on the word.

Mr.Banner helped me up and we went back to his classroom for more privacy from other students and when we got in there he put his hand on my shoulder.

I didn't even feel the need to flinch and he slowly said, "I will help you. I can promise that. You're not alone anymore ok?"

I nodded, tears coming to my eyes. Mr.Banner pulled me into a hug and I hugged him back with desperation really. It was so long since I trusted someone or even let someone touch me really without flinching.

I was just happy to know that Mr.Banner was going to help me. It felt as if the weight of Gabe was off my shoulders.

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