Rant : 2

90 3 0

Closing Credits:

Thank you for teaching me so well, the little things that go a long way in life.
You gave me the most precious thing of all-acceptence. Never before did I accept me for who I am. Worse, I expected you to change to fit into my sphere of 'acceptence'.
That was my only crime. But I am glad of the repercussions.

Maybe, years later I'll forget your face  & the sound of your voice but I'll never forget your lessons. Their echos will haunt me, ever-so-teasingly for as long as I live. And it is for that, that I thank you, my most perfect of teachers...

Thank you so much.
I doubt I'll ever have the courage to tell you this to your face. But having it out there for the world to see is as satisfactory a reconcilliation as I'll get, but I'm glad.

You taught me to be okay with being myself. To have the confidence to wear my heart & faults on my sleeve. To walk in sunlight & dance in the rain. And to sing my song madly in the midst of the infernos.

Perhaps humans haven't lost the 'monkey trait' of learning by imitation because I know that I only found my strength by watching you revel in yours. I know that I would never have been so passionate about the meenest of my emotions without having seen you value yours.

After all there is little that money can't buy; but the price for your particular brand of freedom probably falls into that category.

In fact even the pain can't compare with the joy of our respective learning and teaching. And if I could do it all over, I wouldn't change a day. Not even our last one.

Thank you, my teacher.

Ever my own,
Your Bad Student.

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