Chapter 4

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'Royal Wedding Bliss- Again!'

'Clarence House has announced that Prince Harry and Jacqueline Baker are engaged to be married!'

'"The Prince of Wales is delighted to announce the engagement of Prince Harry to Miss Jacqueline Baker," the statement from Clarence House late Monday read.'

'Details of the engagement are presumed to be revealed in an interview later this morning with the couple, airing tonight at 8 pm on BBC.'


Jackie beamed at the screen of her MacBook, where her own face beamed back, snuggled against Harry's chest in their official engagement photo. She noticed the little copyright symbol in the corner, followed by 'The Duchess of Cambridge'. Jackie sent another mental thank you to Kate for taking their wonderful engagement photos.

There was a knock on Jackie's bedroom door. "Jackie?"

Jackie immediately closed out of the article and shut her laptop. She leapt from her luxuriously comfortable bed and threw open her door to reveal Harry, looking incredibly handsome in an ink blue suit, his smile bright.

She threw her arms around him and have him a tight hug. "Good morning."

"Did you wake up like this?" Harry asked, standing back to admire Jackie, making her blush. She and Kate had carefully chosen a wine colored, just above the knee length dress that hugged Jackie in just the right places. Even Jackie agreed it complemented her tanned skin and blonde hair, and gave a perfect dark backdrop to show off her sparkling ring.

"As usual," Jackie said with a grin. She struck a few ridiculous poses to show off her ring- her left hand directly in front of her face, left hand over Harry's face, and her hands linked together to make a butterfly, left ring finger fluttering.

Harry took Jackie by surprise and pulled her into a tight squeeze. "What's wrong?" she asked upon his odd silence.

"I just don't want things to change."

Jackie pulled back, frowning. "What do you mean?"

"I can't help but to worry about you," Harry admitted, his eyes filled with genuine concern.

"Why?" Jackie pressed, sitting down on the edge of her bed.

"I see glimpses of my mother's spirit in you," Harry said quietly. "You're so light-hearted, so happy and fun- just like her. And I don't want them to crush it. Crush you like they did her."

Jackie frowned. The thought terrified her- she always thought of Harry as incredibly confident and sure, and hearing his concern for her was certainly unsettling.

She forced a smile and tilted her chin up. "Don't you worry about me. I'm a lot stronger than you think."


"I would like to start off by congratulating the pair of you during this exciting time."

Jackie was overly aware of the nearness of Harry's thigh to her's, it's presence giving her a bit of comfort during the nerve-wracking process. Jackie and Harry were sitting on an ornate couch in a private room in Kensington Palace, facing Tom Bradby, the same reporter who had interviewed Will and Kate just over a year before.

A mic pack had been hooked on the inside of Jackie's dress, a wire running up to a tiny microphone clipped to the neckline. She willed the bright lights focused on her not to make her sweat, which would then cause her makeup to run, which would then cause her to look like a disheveled mess- the first time she ever spoke publicly.

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