58 - trigger warning

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i read an article today talking about how we as a generation are being coddled and treated specially due to things thats bother us.

if you watch phillip defranco, or his wife lindsay's vlogs on youtube you probably know what i'm talking about, but i'm going to explain anyway.

theres a commenter on almost every vlog i've watched recently asking if the uploader can put a trigger warning if theres going to be drunk people in the video because it gives them anxiety.

theres not trigger warnings in real life. there's gonna come a time where you come face to face with things that make you uncomfortable.

things that make me uncomfortable are homophobic/transphobic/religiously bias slurs. yet, i hear them everyday and no trigger warning is given.

this isn't to say that your feelings are not valid, because they are, its just saying that you cannot be treated specially or be treated as a priority just because something makes you uncomfortable.

photosensitive epilepsy is different, that can cause epileptic fits.

we, as people, are becoming too politically correct. i myself am aware of how strongly i feel about being politically correct but its getting out of hand.

you shouldn't feel like you need to be treated special because things can upset you. because the harsh reality is that many things that you will see in life will upset you, and you have to move on and learn to cope.


serious/controversial topic...but these are the kind of topic that start conversations

also, merry christmas and if you dont celebrate then happy holidays x

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