50 - RANT #10

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so i went to the fall out boy concert the other day and it sparked up so much anger, the anger of people going to concerts and then not even watching the concert.

i went to ed sheeran a couple of months ago when he played croke park and all anyone did was go and get drinks.

they were expensive tickets and they spent the whole time getting drinks. instead of watching ed sheeran. let that sink in.

the girl beside me at the fall out boy concert spent the whole time texting her friends. you've got one of the world's most respected alternative bands today in front of you and you're texting your friends?

you pay good money to go to a concert, the logical thing to do is enjoy it!

(the ed sheeran and fall out boy concerts were amazing regardless, this just annoyed me a lot)

also, if you're at a concert - get into it. no one is judging you. some girl showed up with christmas tree light wrapped around her and she got a shout out from pete wentz.

no one cares what you look like. people only care if you're not getting into it.

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