Reverse Parallelism

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Due to mankind’s abuse of nature, forgotten faith, greediness for power and lust… GOD punished man. 

In a world full of filth, lived a man and his daughter. Both of them are suffering from that environment, they can no longer tell if they can still live for a week. Many have died because of hunger, survival, riot, distortion, misunderstanding and pollution. Surprisingly… 2 years had passed and still, they’re alive. His child had become grotesquely looking than she ever looked like - skinny, almost bald, wrinkled, and with bulging green eyes – A freak. And he, Zosimo, became scrawny as ever, his head bald, and unable to move freely- pathetic. All they do to satisfy their hunger is to sleep and drink their own blood (which is not enough). Leia’s mother died and they are the only ones living in the waste-laden earth, shrinking as time goes by. Fragments are gently falling off its crust…

Will they survive? Is there a better future/ life for them?


Zosimo:Leia’s father; A 22 year-old man who looked as if he’s at his 80’s.

Leia:Zosimo’s daughter; she used to be a beautiful looking child, but as she grew older, she became a freak. (Because of the environment she’s living in)

Livius:a lad from the past (2000).

“Don’t lose hope, for there’s still a way to seek for it. Believe.

(It is never too late to repent.)

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