Mysterious Creature

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"Did you get your power band back?", asked Cole.

"Yep", he lifted his right wrist to show them.

The Earth Guardian behind them crumbled into pieces and disappeared. Everyone looked behind them as he crumbled.

"Hehe", Quake smiled and hit his power band on his other wrist.

Thunderstorm and Cyclone formed back to one with Quake.

"Wow, I didn't knew you actually splited to five", Kai said impressed.

Boboiboy chuckled, "That's what my power band allows me to do!"

"So...we only got one more to go right?", asked Gopal.

"Yeah, and that's my one", said Fang.

"We'll need the Ultra Dragon, Zane", said Nya.

Zane opened up his arm and a mechanical falcon sprouted from it, "Go find Misako or Wu and tell them to get the Ultra Dragon here", he commanded and released it.

"Let's just camp here for the night until the dragon comes", Lloyd suggested.

They setted up their camp and sat on logs around the campfire.

"Now, who wanna read out some stories?", said Jay.

"Why not let the kids tell us about their life", Zane grinned.

"Oh um...okay", Boboiboy's mind was blank, he didn't knew what to say.

"Um...", he continued.

"Tell them about how we got our powers and ended up here", Gopal whispered to him.

"Oh okay", he whispered back.

"So this is how our life started to become interesting. About a year ago, I went to Pulau Rintis to visit my grandad and..."

After some time, he told them from then till now, without missing out any details.

"Wow, so that's how you got your powers", said Cole.

"Yep", said Fang.

Ying looked on her power band and saw it was 11:57pm already.

"Eik, it's really late already. We should all head for bed", she said.

"Oh, yeah right", Kai coughed.

"Good night everyone!", Jay shouted.

"Night", everyone waved at each other and went to bed.

A few hours later, Fang still haven't slept and was still rolling around his mattress in his tent that he shared with Boboiboy. Boboiboy woke up and saw Fang laying in his bed with his eyes opening wide.

"Hey Fang", said Boboiboy.

"What?", he looked over to him.

"Can't sleep?"

He turned back and looked above him, "Yeah...I just...can't. I've been thinking about the mysterious thing that crushed and destroyed the ship into tiny pieces of wood"

Boboiboy grinned, "I bet we'll find out what is that thing and stop it tomorrow"

Suddenly, they heard a roar outside and it sounded like the same roar they heard before.

"W-what was that", Fang got up quickly and sat on his mattress.

Boboiboy got up too, "Let's go out and investigate!"

Both of them ran outside of their tent and saw a long, black creature flying around with flaming red eyes, horns and four legs.

"T-that...that is...", Fang whimpered.

"That is the Shadow Dragon!", both of them shouted.

The Shadow Dragon was looking and staring at them.

Boboiboy Heroes: Search For The Power Bands (BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now