You can go

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Checking the time, Lindsey reckoned it was okay to wake Stevie up. Of course he could never be sure, especially now that she was pregnant and despite the fact she didn't have huge mood swings, at some level they still occurred. 

Pressing himself closer to her back, Lindsey put his arm around her, pressing his lips to her shoulder and leaving a trail of kisses down her arm. He then moved up higher, kissing her on the cheek, whispering...

"Happy birthday, gorgeous." 

A smile crossed her lips, as she slowly opened her eyes, turning onto her back. "Thank you. That was a nice way to be woken up."

"Mmm..." He leaned in closer, his lips hovering above hers. "I love you."

"Love you, too." She replied, locking her hands behind his neck, pulling him closer, as they kissed at last. 

"Anything you would like this beautiful morning?" Lindsey asked suggestively, his palm caressing her hip.

"...breakfast?" She teased. 

"Right, but before that?"

"Oh, I don't know. I'm not in a mood for anything in particular, honey."


"Really, besides my very handsome husband of course."

"How do you like your very handsome husband in the morning?"

Stevie laughed lightly, shrugging her shoulders. "Surprise me."

"Surprise, you say... There's not many ways we can make love now. Then I guess..." He pretended to think, putting his index finger up to the corner of his mouth. "Yes, that's what I'm going to do."

She loved how playful he could still be, smiling, when he got closer, kissing her on the lips, before pulling the covers away. Starting with her neck, he worked his way to the middle of her chest, using his lips, easing the straps of her nightgown at the same time. He pulled the silky material lower, exposing her breasts, that he couldn't get enough of lately. 

"Careful." She warned. "They're quite tender."

She didn't really have to tell him, he knew and he was going to love on her with great care. Touching gently at first, he then lowered his mouth, flicking at one nipple with the tip of his tongue, before licking his thumb, to tend to her other breast. 

It strangely amused him. Usually, she wasn't very easy to please, he sure had to put a lot of work into it, but not when she was expecting. And it was the same every time. He would so much as accidentally brush up against her and she would moan. He didn't know if she even realized it herself.

Having paid generous and equal attention to her chest, he started moving lower, covering every inch of his way down her body with kisses. Laying down on his stomach, he bent her legs at the knees, parting them as well. Instead of giving her what she wanted right away, he teased her some more, kissing and gently biting her inner thighs, tracing his fingertips across her skin or pressing his lips entirely too close to where she was craving him. 

She yelped as soon as his tongue brushed against her center, closing her eyes and biting on her lip. Grinning to himself, he licked at her faster, altering between her already throbbing bud and trusting his tongue up inside her. Closing his lips around her clit, he used two fingers, sliding them into her slowly, her moaning only growing deeper and louder. 

By the way she was arching her back and gasping for air, he knew she was close. Withdrawing his hand, he hooked his arms around her thighs, slightly lifting her lower body up, as he brought her to an orgasm in no time, riding it out with her, before she physically pushed him away.

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