I'm not sure I do

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"Dad!... DAD!"

"What?!" Lindsey asked, taking off his headphones and placing them at the mixing table.   

"You don't have to yell at me." Daryl made a face, crossing his arms. "Anyway. I wanted to ask you if you could maybe help me with homework?"

"What, now?" He sighed, not too pleased with his son's request either. "What is it?"

"Literature. I have to analyze some passage and answer questions, but I've no idea what the hell is the author talking about in it."

"Language, young man." Lindsey pointed out, then added, stretching, as he had been sitting in the same position for at least an hour. "Literature is kind of your mother's thing."

"Trust me, you weren't my first choice."

"Hey!" Lindsey laughed a little. "How about you do it with Anna, you're in the same class, she had to get the same assignment."

"She did, but the teacher said she'll know if I copied my sister's homework, she says it's always obvious."

"Well, buddy, I'd love to help you, but I'm pretty sure I'd be useless at it. How about you wait for Sara?" He suggested, checking his watch. "She's coming over in a bit."

"You are useless, Dad." Daryl rolled his eyes and left Lindsey's studio, stomping up the stairs and back to his room. 

In all honesty, Lindsey just wasn't himself. He loved his children and every time they wanted to spend time with him, he wouldn't ever normally say no, but his wife was at the doctor's, after she'd been feeling unwell for a few weeks and they were starting to worry. Until she wasn't back home with at least some information, he wasn't going to calm down.

Another hour didn't pass by, went the front door opened and in came Sara, a spitting image of 19 year old Stevie. Even if she was only 19, she wasn't living with her parents anymore, but she visited them frequently. 

"Anybody home?" She wandered from one room to another. "Mom? Dad?"

"There's no point in asking for them." Anna came down, hugging her big sister. "Mom's seeing a doctor and Dad's wrapped up in some new project in his studio."

"Of course he is!" Sara laughed, shaking her head, as they went to the kitchen. 

"Can I make you something?"

"Um... a cup of tea would be nice." Anna gave a small nod and put the kettle on. "How you've been sis?"

"Very good, except that we're all worried about Mom. She's been really sick for like two or three weeks."

"That didn't pass? She mentioned it the last time I was here."

"No, so Dad forced her to make a doctor's appointment."

"I did not force her into it." Lindsey joined his girls, as Sara jumped to her feet, rushing to his side, giving him a big hug. 

"Hi, Daddy!"

"Seriously, Sara? You're older than me, but you're acting like you're five."

"No, I'm just Daddy's little girl." 

"No need to fight over me." Lindsey said, holding his older daughter around her shoulders. "You know my heart is divided into four equal pieces; for you two, Daryl and your Mother. I love you all the same."

"That is so cheesy!" Daryl walked in, scrunching up his face. 

"Hey, baby brother!" 

"NO, SARA!" The 17 year old held up his hands. "We've talked about this, I am no baby!

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