Chapter 12 ~ Sorting it? Not?

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Hello again!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 So it's my third I think of fouth week at school......

YAY! not?

Well, it's been good lately just a little problems on subjects like....


anyway, here it is!!




Sorting it?



My pov:

 "Do you by any chance have feelings for my brother?" she looked at me expecting a direct speed-lightning answer. I looked at her intensely and she looked back at me anxiously. A few seconds passed and I broke my gaze from her and just fiddled my pillow.

“So?” she looked at me with her eyes popping. “Yes, I do. I have these unusual more than friends feelings for him okay?” I told her throwing my pillow at the other side of my bed and got up to my computer to have an entertaining time.

“Ugh! I knew it! He’s such a dumb boy!” Gela shouted and let out an exhausting sigh banging her head on my soft fluffy pillow; lucky it’s soft. “Um.. I couldn’t agree more?” I looked at her smiling and shrugged.

“It’s true!” Gela protested and I just giggled at her getting her head back to my pillow. “HOLY FRENCH FRIES I KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!!” she looked at me and smiled ear to ear. “Okay?” I said unsure of what’s going on her mind.

She got up and got her phone from somewhere in my comforter. “I’ll be back” she told me and ran outside and let a loud bang on closing my bedroom door. She’ll probably be with Niall again. They are so cute together.

I got my attention back to my computer. A few minutes later I heard my phone vibrate from my side table from my bed and quickly got it and I read it.

“Hang out today? Pick you up at five pm” the message read

I looked at my clock and saw it was almost four pm.

ONE HOUR TO PREPARE but it’s not like I’m going to dress too much.

“Sure see ya J” I replied.


Gela’s pov:

I ran outside Lianna’s room and slammed the door quite louder than necessary. I quickly ran to Niall’s room just beside hers. I didn’t bother to knock so I just shoved inside and saw him eating pizza on his bed watching TV.

“Hey! Hey! Hey!” I got in front of the TV to get his attention and to listen to what of a bomb I have to say to him. “What? Isn’t your gorgeous face distracting enough to get my attention?” he told me while eating his cheese pizza.

A crimson red blush formed on my cheeks and I giggled at his comment for a moment and mentally slapped myself. “Okay you’re compliment was sweet but I have to focus on this first AND! Ever heard of ‘Don’t talk while eating’?

“Sorry” he said and wiped his mouth. He shifted his position to seat properly, he motioned me to sit beside him and I did. “So what’s up?” he asked me hugging me from the side putting his head on my shoulder. “Well you know that my brother likes you sister right?” I asked and he vigorously nodded.

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