Chapter 11 ~ The old game gone wrong

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Soooooo...... it's been months since I last updated

So here it is :D

Summer is almost over

Four days before going back to school again

I had a fun summer and I am surely going to miss it :(

anyway :)


My pov:

“I am really bored” Anjela ate her home-made Choco puffs while all of us were sprawled in the sand waiting for some miracle to happen possibly and the intense heat radiates on our bare skin. A tan maybe, some of the people’s skins in here are quite pastel. We were like frozen in the sun rays.

I made a deep and loud sigh and sat up and quickly tied up my hair into a messy ponytail and looked at everybody’s funny positions. I am not describing them but I am totally pretty sure their poses are worth taking a picture of.

 I quickly pulled my phone and restrained myself from laughing, luckily they didn’t noticed my sudden position shifts because they were so focused on the sand like their lives was depended on it if a phenomenon happened on it.

I hurriedly took a picture of their indescribable boredness and posted it on instagram and twitter. “@onedirection @thewanted @daniellepeazer @littlemixoffic look at yourselves haha ;) quite a view” a smirk was plastered on my face. Maybe they will kill me later. It’s just a simple photo, maybe not and besides they all look quite good in it.

“Hey let’s play a game” Tom suggested. Hmmmmmm……. “TRUTH OR DARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Jay with his accent squealed like a girl; some girl like the blonde one but Jay’s was more considerable than the blonde’s squeal.

Old fashion game but fun, this game will be an interesting one considering boys do diverse dares or they give you straight-forward questions and if you chicken out consequence is served. YOU DON’T WANT TO CHICKEN OUT. Our last truth or dare game Liam has to drink broccoli shake; totally crazy ideas.

Since nobody objects we all formed a big circle. I was in between Gela and Anjela beside Harry beside Zayn beside Perrie beside Liam beside Danielle beside Louis beside Blondie beside Nathan beside Jay beside Tom beside Siva beside Max beside Amiel beside Niall who was beside Gela.

“Okay let’s start” Liam yelled. Oh this is really going to be silly. “Okay Danielle, truth or dare?” he asked his girlfriend sweetly; what a cute couple they are. One of the most I adore. “Umm… truth” she giggled because everybody were expecting of dare.

“How much to you love me?” Liam asked and smirked. “Easy. More than anything” she smiled pleasantly to her boyfriend. Some of the boys wolf-whistled and Gela and Anjela cooed over their simple sweetness. “Next” Tom giggled.

“Okay Louis, truth or dare?” Danielle turned to Louis. Louis smiled, “Dare ofcourse” then his smiled turned into a big smirk. “I dare you to kiss somebody” now is the turn for Dani to smirk. Louis’ smirk had gone and nervousness over-flowed; it was easy to detect.

Louis turned to Harry all of us sensing he’s going to kiss Harry. Larry Stylinson alert! “Only girls Lou” Danielle reminded and her smirk got bigger. He looked unsure and Gela nudged me to the side. No way is this going to happen. I avoided her constant nudges.

“Uhhh…” he mumbled and looked at me. I am not going to be a ‘feeler’ so I am just gonna shrug every question that pipes in my brain off. He quickly looked down and approached the unexpected. Oh What The Freaking Hell. This is disappointingly funny; quite a weird feeling.

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