Meeting New Friends

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It's been almost a week of me hobbling and laying in bed. I have crutches right now and they are so hard to get around with. I've been going to class, only Felix's though; he won't let me dance. Today was a day off and I've been chilling with Payton all day. We've been a little bored and I decided I'd take her over to Felix's dorm and let her hang with Oscar, she's been a little scared to talk to him.

As we were headed up that way we made a turn around the corner and Payton ran into this girl falling flat on her butt. I had to laugh but I felt bad for the other girl. "Are you alright?" I asked the girl. "Yeah I'm fine." She says hopping back up. "Payton you okay?" I ask. She was still on the ground. "Yeah." She laughs a bit standing up. "I'm Jade." The girl says out stretching her hand out. "I'm Chloe." I say reaching for her hand. "Payton." Payton says shaking her hand. "Any of you guys fifth floor students?" Jade asked. "I am." I say raising my hand a bit. "So am I! Who's your instructor?" She asks. "Felix." I say. "I have OG. I've seen the others around don't y'all think they are cute?" Jade asks. "Yeah I'm friends with them." I laughed. "No way!" Jade says. "Yes way." Payton says laughing. "Well I better get going. See y'all around." Jade says. "Bye!" Payton and I say in unison.

"That Jade girl was pretty cool." I say as we walked up to the boys door. "Yeah we need to hang with her sometime." Payton says as I knocked on the door. "You gonna be hitting it up with Oscar?" I laughed nudging Payton's arms. "Yeah just make me even more nervous!" Payton says wiping her hands on her jeans. "It's okay you'll be fine." I say as the door opened revealing Felix and Omar. "Hello Chloe!" Felix says. "Who's this?" Omar says as we walk in. "Thats Payton." Oscar says walking up to us. "Hey!" Payton says blushing.

"So what do y'all want to do?" Felix asks. All we've been doing these past fifteen minutes was talk about random stuff. "Wanna play truth or dare?" Omar asks. "Eh." Oscar says. "How about we just play hide an seek or something?" Felix says. "That sounds a little childish." I laughed. "No it isn't!" Omar says. "Well then let's play." I say. "Omar your it." Felix says. "Fine." He says stepping out of the room.

Felix dragged me along with him. "Felix shouldn't we go off on our own." I say. I was trying to keep up with him while hobbling along on my crutches. "I don't want to go off on my own though." He says. "Okay fine." I say as Felix and I searched for a hiding spot. Their dorm was big but it wasn't like enormous. They had four rooms two on each side, a bathroom on each side, and the kitchen and living room was in the middle of the dorm separating the rooms.

Felix and I were currently hiding behind one of the shower curtains. "Felix if you don't give me some room I'm gonna fall and give away our hiding spot and I'm pretty sure my crutches are gonna give away our hiding spot also by just being in plain sight." I say trying to squeeze in next to him. "Here." He says stepping back not realizing there was a rack with shampoo and conditioner behind him. It all fell to the ground making a loud pow. I tensed at the noise and hurriedly scurried away from the noise and hid behind the other curtain completely wrapping it around me. "Chloe come back here." Felix whispered. All the sudden the bathroom door flew open. "Found ya!" I herd Omar says to Felix.

I was hiding under Felix's bed. Felix was it and I figured he'd be after me cause It was basically my fault he was it. I heard footsteps walking past the room. All the sudden I herd a sneeze and the hamper that had blankets in it fell over. I looked closely to who fell over with it, It was Payton. "Shhh." I hushed her giggling a bit. All the sudden Felix ran into the room I back up further under the bed so I couldn't be seen. "Herd you, I know your in here." Felix says. He pulled the hamper up. "Found ya." He says helping Payton out of the hamper.

"Payton's it!" Felix yelled. From the living room. I came out from under the bed and went to the living room. "Where were you hiding?" Felix asks. "Under the bed in that room that you found Payton in." I say. "Ohhh." He laughs.

We finished our game of hide and seek. Payton and I left and went to my room. "Hey!" Payton says to Madison as we came in. "Hey." Madison says looking up from her computer. "Whatcha been up to?" I ask setting my crutches down next to my bed and then laying down on the bed. "Hanging out with Molly." She says. "Cool." I say.

Payton had left and went back to her room. Madison and I were just about to go to sleep. I laid my phone on the dresser and turned out the light. "Night." I say to Madison.

I was half asleep when my phone dinged. It was a text from Felix.

From Felix:
I need to talk to you tomorrow.

Hmm wonder what he's gotta talk to me about?

To Felix:

I answered shortly because I was ready to fall asleep and I didn't want to start a conversation.

From Felix:
Goodnight gorgeous!

Gorgeous? He called me gorgeous! My heart just melted! That just made my night!

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