Chapter 9

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"New York is just a couple states away! It's not like I'm on the other side of the world!" I protest.

"Zoe there's something you just don't get. Your father and I care about you more than anything in the world, which is why you're not going to New York for college with random classmates of yours," she tells me while looking from me to dad several time to see if he was catching up on the conversation, "aren't I right dear?" she asks dad.

Dad sits up and clear his throat, "I'm afraid your mother has a point, but!" he declared pointing his finger up in the air while looking at mom, "your 17, and your not our little girl anymore-"

"Honey!" mom says while elbowing dad's shoulder.

"As I was saying, Zoe needs to learn to be independent for the real world since we wont be there for her sometime-"

"Don't say that, we'll-"

"Honey you cant continue cutting me off, I'm really getting somewhere now." dad shouts over her voice leaving the house in a couple of awkward silenced seconds.

"As I was saying," dad says again before sighing, " just like a bird, your too big for the nest now although we'll always be available to you when you need us. With that being said, I want you to come to me tomorrow morning with a list of the colleges you want to go to and I'll approve the best one."

"Aw dad thanks your the best!"I say almost in tears of not being able to digest the very words that came out of his mouth. 

I jumped from my seat and jumped into his arms hugging him tight. Once i had pulled back, and the smile on my face disappeared at the sight of mom. She was the saddest I had ever seen her and the fact that she held on her clothes so tight made me understand just how much she didn't want me to go.

"Mom," I say looking at her, "I'll always be your little girl, and I promise when I get to campus, I'll Skype you everyday when possible. Okay?"

She smiles faintly as I hug her tightly before running off to my room. 

I run up the stairs and flick the lock open when I see a black figure in the dim of dark in my room. My heart begins to race as I take a step back to run. The figure than walks slowly to the switch and just as I'm about to run, the lights turn on. 

My heart melt at the sight of Leo standing there with a single rose in his hand. He smiles and slowly walks toward me. I walk in the room and lock the door behind me. 

"For now this was all I could afford," he signs as one petal of the rose begins to fall to the ground. He looks at me faintly as I slightly laugh. 

"One rose is more than enough," I sign back to him, "besides, I think there will be enough time for both of us to go shopping in New York looking for roses, don't you think." I sign to him slightly revealing a smirk on the side of my lips.

He immediately places the rose down on my homework desk and walks toward me. My heart begins to race when he pulls my waist toward him. My face turns bright red when he closes his eyes and brushes is nose slightly on mine.

I raise my hands and hold the side of his face looking deep into his eyes. My thumb caresses the side of his cheek. His warm breathe slightly blows on my face and I begin to feel his eyes digging in mine. I try to look away when my eyes begin to notice how he slowly bites the bottom of his lip. 

I breath in heavily and look back in his eyes, he pulls me closer now that I our hips have met, and before I knew it, our lips are dancing in the slowest of movements.

My fingers roughly rake his hair trying to hold a grasp of him as he tries to close in the little spaces between us. I pull back a little for air when he picks me up and places me on the bed. I look up at him as his hair begins to fall down to gravity. He lowers his head and buries his head in the nap of my neck only to kiss it. I grasp on to his hair as his kisses every sweet spot. He raises his head and looks back down at me only to see him begin to unbutton his shirt.  

I slowly sit up and kiss his lips as his bites my bottom lip when I see from the corner of my eye the lock of my door trying to flick open. My heart begins to race on overdrive as I immediately pull back and before I know it the door is slowly opening.


lol i wish you guys the best exam week and happy holidays. Plus *drum rolls* Im writing a new book. I hope you guys like it. Thank you all plz comment, vote and of course read my book and try to share it too. Thanks

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2015 ⏰

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