Chapter 2

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"This is Mr. Evans lab class, our class at the moment and the last one too. You can sit here." Paris smiled widely patting a desk right behind her. I quickly sat down making my self comfortable and sighed heavily. What a long day, this school had to be a workshop, every class I went to gave at least some homework, and I didn't feel so good about it.

I put my head pieces on and set it 'Red by Taylor Swift: Cover by Against The Current'. It was favorite song yet, how she sang and how they played a little differently from the original just added to the fun. Music was a great part of me, it made me feel happy when I was sad and emotional when I was sad.

"🎶 Remembering him comes in flashbacks and echoes

Tell myself it's time now, gotta let go

But moving on from him is impossible

When I still see it all in my head

Burning red 🎶 "

I wasn't the best singer, but I did get a whole lots of eye balls looking at me after singing that part. That's when a teacher came in and placed his books on the desk. He was an old teacher in his late 50's and probably about to get a heart attack by the ay he held his heart while writing 'Lesson 21 of Unit 3' on the board.

He than faced the class and to my surprise, he was way to familiar looking. He had that hair, that face and that physical appearance, I knew him but quite couldn't put a finger on him.

"Hello class, I'm Mr. Robinsons for those of you new students to my class and today we're going to be learn how two different chemicals of different properties react to certain situations. I've made a list of partners of who is going to be with who, and lets get started." he shouted from his desk as he all looked at each other in disbelief. Seriously, are we in Pre-K or High School?

"Jordan and Ethan....Kim and Danita....Paris and Jacob.." he said as Paris looked at me in disgrace. I had no clue who Jacob was but who ever he was, she wasn't happy about him. "Who is Jacob?" I asked leaning toward her.

"She that kid with the fuzzy black hair and huge headphones, that's him." she whined pointing her finger at him and sliding down in her chair. He waved at Paris with a sheepish smile and all Paris could do was wave a little with weak smile.

"Zoe and Christian" he called out as Paris immediately sat up straight and narrowed her eyes at me.

"You are so lucky, he's part of the popular group." she said looking at a guy in the back corner of the room. He had dark brown hair and green eyes that shined in the sunlight of the evening sky. He scratched the back of his head as Paris looked at him in complete awe.

"Maybe he'll ask me to marry him someday," she purred as Mr. Evans slowly crept up from behind and hit his ruler on her desk, making her jump in fright.

"Now each group make there way to our laboratory and lets get testing." he shouted as we all walked after him. I walked after Paris as she tried to hide from Jacob when I felt someone poking my shoulder lightly.

I turned around only to be facing Christian. "I'm Christian, but you can call me Chris for short." he said putting his hand out for me to shake.

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