Chapter 3

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The door was almost open and I was half way out the window. Without hesitation, I jumped back inside my room, shutting the window close and jumping in my bed in a record time of I don't know.

"Zoe, are you awake?" I heard my mom call from the door. If I answered than mom would know I was awake and I might go, so I laid there silent and breathes louder so as to look asleep.

"I guess the party isn't a problem for her honey, look she's a asleep." mom said as I heard the door open wider as she pushed against the drawer till she knocked it over.

I than took this chance and sat up straight and scratched my eyes. "What are you two doing here?" I called out to them as they stood there with their hands up realizing what they had just done.

"Sorry honey, we were wondering if the party was too loud for you to sleep." mom whispered, but loud enough for me to hear over the music.

"I don't know what party your talking about, but tomorrow is a school day and I need my sleep," I yawned as I went back in bed and closed my eyes as to sleep. I was so gonna fool them.

"Okay, just let us know if you can't sleep," dad said as they closed the door, and I sat up and went straight to my closet and pulled on high waist jean short and a crop top with the word, "Messy Hair.. Don't Care".

Than I opened the window and looked back at my bed which had pillows that looked like I was inside. Seriously do they think they have control over my life, no parties, no boys, no fun? You know what if they opened the door this second, I would jump out. I blew a kiss toward the door just incase it would be my last one, and without hesitation, jumped out.

Immediately as I closed my eyes I knew I had fallen hard, but I didn't I opened my eyes only to meet the hazel eyes of Leo. "Hey," I said jumped out of his arms. All he did was smile and nod his head. Ugh he still had his headphones. I reached over for his headphones to pull them off gently when he grabbed my hands and pulled his phone out waving it as if to say, lets use this.

This had to be the weirdest encounter I had ever had in my life. Leo than texted me saying,

Leo: I see you changed,

Me: Yeah, um can we just talk because you're like right in front of me.

But instead he just looked down at me in sorrow, his eyes were soon full of tears, but he tried hard to push them back. He just breathed in deeply and made a frowning face to help push back the tears. Than he started texting again.

Leo: If you haven't noticed why I don't answer your calls but reply in texts and wear headphones that looks like I'm listening to music is because... I'm diagnosed with HBD, Hearing Blockage Disorder ,which mean, I'm pretty much deaf.

I stood right there in pure shame for asking, shock to see such a hot guy to turn out to be deaf. He is deaf yet he was holding a loud party at his house. He is deaf yet he manages to blend in with the people and look normal. He is deaf yet even if the police come he won't hear it and wont have enough time to escape.

Like he went by the term 'YOLO', I didn't know what expression to give since him being deaf is the last thing I ever expected to read from him. I looked at him who was waiting for a response and I thought, all I could give him was smile, actually, it came out it self.

Falling In Love With The Deaf BoyWhere stories live. Discover now