Chapter 8 Interogation

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I finally updated after a month.Am really sorry for late update but school has been tough lately and my Mum was sick and I ask you all to pray for a speed recovery for her.

Anyways here the chapter *throws chapter and runs away*

Oh and Merry Christmas and a Happy New year

********MARIAM'S POV ***********
"This is unbearable".i muttered to myself.

I walked Ali and Fatima to my neatly arranged room.I had spent 30 minutes in fixing my room.My room was always neat but I had to make it look presentable for our rich guest.

I helped Fatima sit on the bed and Ali sat on a chair about 3 feets opposite Fatima.I sat on a chair also across the room where I had a perfect view of duet.

I was really going to enjoy this.I might as well volunteer for Safiat's too in future.

We had settled completely,there was a minute of silence and then another and then another to the extent that I could hear our neighbor couple arguing downstairs and the sound of a ball hitting the ground continuously.

I must admit,my room has not been this silence for a long time.

Soon we heard crashing and shattering of fragile and breakable objects and then the cursing sound.

"Assalamualaykum!".i said with a big smile even when I know perfectly well they didn't look at me.They were looking down at my soft cream carpet.My carpet was soft,nice and all but it isn't the most fascinating thing in my room.

Fatima winced a little,a bit startled by my voice.

"Assalamualaykum,Fatima this is your possible future husband Ali Malik.Ali Malik this is your possible future wife and my lovely sister Fatima Kabir". i teasingly introduced.

If I thought their head can't be lowered lower,then I was wrong.They did look lower and blushed.

I rolled my eyes.

"Okay,can you two stop blushing before you turn as red as tomato or explode.Can know...start the interrogation and get it over with because am feeling hungry and the food brought by the Malik's smelled delicious.Do you cook Ali?"

"Mariam".Fatima dragged my name warningly.She was now red from embarrassment.

"What??. If you can't do the talking then let me help you.So Ali,do you cook?".i asked turning to Ali.

"Umm.I cook at times and......"

"When do you cook?".i asked rapidly.

"Umm.In college.I got tired of fast food and I had home food cooked by me.Maids and cooks were not allowed in campus so I had to struggle to survive.But I must warn you,i doesn't taste great and I cook with a fire extinguisher beside me"

"Really?.Why?".I asked amused that a guy could cook.

"Well,the food kind of catches fire while am cooking.It doesn't happen all the time.Just several times".He said shrugging it off.

I and Fatima laughed. He's funny,noted

"Oh my ALLAH,that's nice. Not the burning part but the effort part."


And there was silence again.This can't go on like.My sister is making a bad impression on herself. I needed to give them a push the hard way.

"Come on Fatima. What about the list of questions you were going to ask Ali?" I smirked.

"Mariam!!" She called out,giving me a you-are-not-going-to-get-away-with-this glare.

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