Chapter 2 THE VISIT (continued)

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"All you have to do is go downstairs,relax and wait for your guests.A taste of your killer smile will say everything about uyou."i said as I smiled proudly .

Mum thought it through bore she agreed with me."I guess you are right.It's just a visit anyway."

She exhaled.
"What would I do without you?".

She gave me a brief hug and went downstairs,following my advice.

"When have I never been right?And ofcourse she wouldn't survive without me"i muttered to myself .

"I can still hear you beta"came Mum's voice from downstairs.

I shook it off and headed downstairs too.I was half way down when I heard Mum gasp loudly in disbelief.

"What?.Ya Allah,what is happening here"she asked with a frown on her face.

Adeel,Mariam and Safiat were startled so much that they jumped out of the couch instantly.

"What is something wrong?"Mariam asked worriedly.

"Yes!Why are not all dressed?"She asked expectantly.

Adeel,Mariam,Safiat and even I let out a sigh of relief we didn't realize we were holding.

Safiat paces her hand on her chest and sighed dramatically.That one girl is one heck of a drama queen.

"The guests will be here at.."she looked over at the Islamically designed Clock on the wall.

"Fifteen minutes time and none of you are dressed yet"she shook her head."I thought I had 5 grown children but now I just have 5 more Safiat plus Safiat herself.What are you waiting for?Go upstairs and change right now"She said sternly.

Immediately,we all ran up the stairs to our room with me taking lead.We all headed to our various rooms to change.This was just a visit but Mum was exaggerating it.

"Amira? Amira,Are you here?"Mum called out.I had totally forgot Amira.

Amira is my second elder sister.She was born in between Mariam and i.She is older than me with about two years and Mariam was older than her with two years also.

"Am in my room,Ma.Am almost done"Amira replied.She must have heard Mum scolding us downstairs to know what Mum wanted to know.

Believe me,Amira has got to be the first person to start dressing up.She simply had a good taste in fashion.She was also a shopaholic.
She was a bit lazy and very rude at times.She had dark blue eyes just like dad's and Adeel's.She was tall with brown wavy hair and has feminine features.

Neighbors always criticize us which Amira completely hates.Human's can be very criticizing.We both look a bit different in looks and characters.I had similar features as Mariam,Safiat and Mum.
Five minutes later,The barging begins.Safiat came to my bathroom with her clothes in hand to change because her bathroom was a bit small.Mum had promise her the room of whoever gets married off.Together we burst into Mariam's room.We helped zipped up ourselves.

We were all wearing a traditional dress and pants(indian youth wear).I wore a red dress and silver trousers with matching silver scarf.Mariam wore a yellow dress with green pants and green scarf while Safiat wore a pink dress with wine pants and also wine scarf.

Mariam helped make a neat bun out of our hair and we carefully wrapped our scarfs neatly on our head and pinning it with scarf ornaments.We didn't put on jelweries because our scarf was covering is up but we did wear bangles and a lots of them.I was totally obsessed with bangles.I loves the jingling sound of my bangles when I move my hand.

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