Chapter 7 SUITORS

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The answer was definitely a yes,all that's left to confirm this was istikharah ( a special prayer to ALLAH for guidance and help on a big decision like marriage,purchase of property etc.).I hope it will be positive.I scanned through my closet impressed on all the designer clothes I have.I am going to look breathtaking.

I mentally swapped arrogant Zaid to nice Ali.Ali seemed like my dream man but I want to know more about him.I want to know his personality and his relationship with women.I wanted to know everything.

I sat down on my bed cross legged.With a book and a pen,i wrote down everything I was going to ask him when we try to get to know each other.

I made twenty questions but summarized it to six questions.I memorized my questions very well before I put the book inside my drawer.

Hoping out of bed with energy,i walked to my closet and opened it.Today I want to look modest and different.

After a while I settled with red maxi skirt to the tummy,a long sleeved white plain blouse and a red scarf.

I waited till it was two when I prayed Zuhr (2:00pm prayer) and took the opportunity to pray istikharah since I was alone.

I had a warm showers to refresh and I dressed up.I applied waterproof mascara,eyeliner beloe my upper eyelashes and lip gloss to my shade red lip.

Sitting alone in my room,i heard the door bell ring and I felt nervous.My possible future husband was downstairs only a floor away from me.

Will we be destined?.Will we be meant each other?.Will he be the husband I want him to be?.Will I be the wife he wants me to be?.Will we fight?.Will we fall in love after marriage?.All these questions only one person has the answer to,ALLAH(knower of all).

Even if I don't know,i hope it was for the best.

My train of thought was stopped when I felt the bed sink beside me.I looked to my right to see my eldest sister,Mariam sitting beside me.She gave me a faint smile and I returned it.

There was silence for a while before Mariam broke it.

"Wow,you look....." she trailed off searching for the right word to describe my new look.

"Like Amira?"i suggested,my face dropping.

"No!,Trust me If you look like Amira,i would have hire a jinn exorcist to cast that Amira jinn away from your body immediately "

We laughed and it seized bringing back tension with it.

"You look beautiful"

"And different in a good way." Mariam quickly added to compliment me.

I smiled faintly,clearly showing my nervousness.

"Thanks,you also look beautiful" I managed to commented back.

And the silence combined with tension was back again.

The silence was killing me which made me so nervous that I had bit my lip so bad until I tasted a metallic substance that happened to be my blood.I stopped from biting to fidgeting with my fingers.

Yes,nervous me is so pathetic but I can't help it.

How are supposed to act when your life is about to be complicated starting with marriage proposals?.How are you supposed to feel when when your possible future husband that you are to spend your entire life
Is just....just...a floor away?

"I knocked but you didn't answer so I came in"
Mariam said gesturing to the now closed door.

I glanced at the door,then to her and to my hands like they were the most interesting thing in the whole world.

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