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Kadija's POV
Just like any parent,i couldn't stop thinking about my daughter's marriage proposal.Yes,i was used to getting marriage proposals for my daughters which I and my husband reject immediately but there was something different and intriguing about the Malik's.

Our daughters are real gems to us and we had to be extremely careful about their life partner.I know that my daughters will never refuse if we agree.To them,our opinion is the most important and that is the reason why we have to be careful because if it fails,we the parents will live with the guilt forever.

When Lateefa told me about a marriage proposal to Amira and Fatima from Zaid and Ali respectively,i didn't like it but I will have to let my daughters go someday.They have to find true love in the halal way and have a family of their own.The thoghts of grandchildren just makes me smile.

The main question that was throbbing me was"Are Zaid and Ali good for my daughters?.Is the Malik a family I want my faith go into?"

I had to look at it from all angles,physically,mentally,religiously,financially,socially and emotionally.

The Malik's were perfect financially for my daughters.Zaid and Ali are very good looking.The Malik looked religious to me.Most people that goes to America abandon their religion and tradition and adapt to American ways.

Zaid and Ali seemed mentally stable.They managed a company successfully.Socially,the Malik's have a good reputation with the absence of divorce.

Now,my daughters needs to know them emotionally.The last time they were here,i didn't have the chance to know them properly.If I agree to a visit,i could get to know them and so were my daughters.

I have been avoiding the marriage topic from Ibrahim,my husband but Lateefa has been practically calling everyday to tell me she was serious and interested.Convincing me.

It's been two weeks since the proposal at the mosque.On the previous Friday,i met with Lateefa and we talked a lot.We also talked to the boys and got to know them better.

I had asked Adeel to take the girls to a different masjid to avoid awkward situations.My husband and I talked to Zaid and Ali and they seemed good for my daughters.

At midnight on Saturday morning ,I switched the fluorescent bulb on.I wanted to light the house enough to wake my husband up and the lamp was not enough .Ibrahim turned but didn't wake up.He looked so peaceful that I was tempted to let him sleep but this was important.

I woke him up with a light tap
"Please wake up.We need to talk"i said.

He sat up a bit leaning on his elbow for support.He yawned and rubbed his eyes.He looked at me and then at his wrist watch beside the lamp on the table before he looked at me again.

"Lateefa,its 12:46.Lets go back to sleep.We will talk about this in the morning inshaAllah"he pouted trying to go back to sleep.

"It's already morning "I said calmly.

"Why don't we talk about it in the morning after breakfast?"

"No,wake up.This can't wait.Its so important that it's eating me up inside.I want to talk about it now"i nagged.

He sighed before he sat up properly.He stared at me for a while before he broke the silence
"This is about the marriage proposals for Amira and Fatima right?".I nodded slightly.

"We already talked about this Kadija.We are going to give the Malik's a chance"he paused"We can't keep our daughters here forever.We have to stop being selfish and let them decide for themselves.Am sure they would love to get married and have a family.Just leave everything to ALLAH "he advised.

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