Chapter 6

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I woke up the next morning with a massive headache and a very dry throat. I looked around trying to figure where I was, and found a note in the lace necklace on my teddy bear.

Morning beautiful, 

  Hopefully your hangover isn't quite too terrible. Incase it is I left some Advil and a bottle of water on your night stand. If you want text me when you're awake and i'll take you out for breakfast. My treat :)

xo Tom 

I smiled at how cute and thoughtful that was of him. I looked at my nightstand and quickly downed the pills and water. I couldn't help but think that I should just give whatever this is between Tom and I a try. I mean what could go wrong.. Right? I got up and went to the desk to grab my phone,I went to my messages and clicked on Toms name 

Mattie: Hey diver boy, you still up for breakfast? Got something to tell you :) 


Almost instantly I got a response out of him 

Dimples: Of course! And what is it? :) xo

Mattie: You'll find out shortly ;), see you soon xo

I quickly began searching desperately for something cute to wear since I couldn't shower without the chance of possibly running into him. I fixed my ponytail and straightened it out, I fixed my makeup that was left over from lastnight and managed to make something pretty out of it. I went to the closet and put on a lace crochet crop top, and a coral high waisted skirt. Then I slipped on a pair of coral peep toe heel, grabbed my clutch and phone. Before leaving I wrote Aly a note telling her where I was, and left her some advil and water on her night stand. I walked out and headed down the hall to Toms door, I knocked and waited for a minute while listening to boys scurry around the room while trying to whisper and yell at the same time to eachother.

The door finally opened and there stood Tom, looking handsome like always. He had on what appeared to be white chubbies, and a navy blue button up. He stepped out and closed the door behind him. After a moment he just stopped and smirked.


"Nothing, You're just really gorgeous.. That's all."

I looked down and smiled. 

"So, what was it that you were going to tell me?"

Without even thinking about what I was doing I just grabbed onto his shoulders and kissed him.

"I wanna give this a try." I smiled

"Really?" He said with about as much excitement as a kid on christmas morning

"Haha yeah, really." I smiled and grabbed his hand

"You ready for breakfast?"

I shook my head and then we walked out of the building together hand in hand. 

"So, Where are we going?" 

"Ever been to the Breakfast club?" 

I shook my head and he smiled


We got to the restaurant after about 10 minutes, and got seated almost instantly.

"So what's good here?" 

"basically everything, but dont worry I got you" he looked up from the menu and smirked. Man he's so cute what am I getting myself in- 

My thoughts were interupted by a very loud and very perky waitress

"Goodmorning Mr.Daley and Miss Rogers. I'm Erin i'll be your waitress today. Can I start you off with anything to drink?"

"We'll take a bottle of champagne, and two order of the All American." He smiled and gave our menus to the waitress

"Coming right up."

"I'm glad we're doing this dimples." 

He grabbed my hand and smiled "Me too blondie." 

After our breakfast date we went for a walk along the beach. Everything was going so perfectly, we talked about pointless random things, laughed at eachothers stories, it was amazing. Until Tom just stopped walking out of no where. I turned around and walked back towards him. He just smiled.

"What?" I questioned

He smirked and grabbed my hands, then kissed me 

"Mattie" He stated


He didn't respond for what seemed like forever but was only a few seconds, I thought that maybe this was it, he was going to ask me out finally

"Will you let me take you out on a proper date tonight?" He looked at me with those big brown eyes and adorable smile

"Of course." I smiled

Well, not exactly what I wanted but, it'll do. We started walking back to the village when we were bombarded by paparazzi. 

"Is it true you are together again?!"

"Did you two ever break up in the first place?"

"How was your evening after the club!"

All sorts of crazy questions were being thrown at us. Tom just took my hand and began to run.

"Wait, I cannot run in these heels!" 

"Youre such a girl!" He yelled then picked me up bridal style and began running again. We finally made it back to our dorms and he walked me back to mine.

"I had a lot of fun.." He smiled

"Me too."

"Well, Tonia should have dropped off everything for tonight, i'll be back at 8" He winked and smiled

"Alright, see ya." I smiled and kissed him, man this was turning out to be like a fairytale.

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