Chapter 5

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India P.O.V

After everything my dad told me and Crystal and let us know wassup I've been scared , like I wonder why did this have to happen to us . But now its 10 at night and as much as I wanna leave and not deal with this I have too , as each minute adds I get even more nervous .. Ima just make sure I put on something comfortable and I've already ate ALOT . You never know what they will do , I'm just gone go to sleep .

Crystal P.O.V

OK so its 10 , and I'm just ready to get this done and over with . Am I afraid ? NO , all the protection we have we'll be straight . India was too zoned out about loosing her life , but dad told us to have our location on so he can locate where we are and he can do what he have to do and he said less than 24 hours .. And in trusting him then my phone dinged

" Crystal I'm scared "

" India are you blind to the fact that we can't show no fear ? Dad got us , its going to be over sooner than you think "

Then when I sent the text I realized that he was here , all you could hear was loud arguing and my dad saying " Shoot me "

" Crystal I'm scared !! "

Then I get close to the door and hear

" Go upstairs and get the kids now !! "

I then texted India and told her to make sure all her equipment was operated and act like your sleep and be surprised . When I heard footsteps I hurriedly put my phone in the secret spot on my and faked sleep .

Fake sleeping I FAKE wake up as I feel an ache from miracle when she pistol whipped me , is this bitch crazy ? Did she loose her mind ? Do she know who tf I am ? I thought as I acted confused

" Get the fuck up stupid bitch " She yanked me and put hand cuffs on me and pushed me out the room and down the steps making me fall onto the hard ground next to my father who's looking strictly into the mans eyes with no fear what so ever .

Just as I look over at him , Miracle threw India down the stairs . We both looked over at my dad with tears we not letting fall and we mouthed I love you to each other , then Miracle came down with an duffle bag and said were good to go the man snatched us up and dragged us outside Into his van ..

Miracle P.O.V

After we drove for about an hour we arrived the trap , the little bitches were sleep so I once again pistol whipped them .

" You little bitch !! " Crystal spoke loudly looking in my eyes not breaking contact

" Yell at me again you'll regret it ! " I threatend

" YOU LITTLE BITCH !! " She yelled louder than the first time .

So I dragged her by her hair and kicked her in her stomach . As I finished I grabbed India and dragged them into the trap into the basement , and I took off all there clothes and hooked them up to the poles and hurried upstairs it was freezing cold .

India P.O.V

As we went along with plan our father made , we looked up to hear an voice we never expected to hear again .. My heart skipped like 10 beats

Who do you think it is ?

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