f o u r

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almost a month have past since chanwoo arrived and stepped into their lives. though many have expected him to join seungkwan's group of friends, it was a surprise to many that he was invited and had joined a group of rather popular seniors.

but because of how outgoing and friendly seungkwan's group of friends can be, chanwoo is invited out often to do stuff together since 'the more the merrier' as what seokmin would claim. not that they already have 16 people in their group - including yooa's best friends, hyunmi and tzuyu whose rarely in school because she flies back to forth from Taiwan to Korea for photoshoots.

to their dismay - especially yooa -, their invitation was gently turned down most of the times. until one of the days where they finished their major tests, chanwoo finally agreed to one of their invites.

"hey chanwoo, want to go catch a movie on saturday? after that we'll have dinner and probably have karaoke afterwards."

chanwoo stared at the unfamiliar blonde, eyebrows furrowing as he think thoroughly on where he had seen this perky senior before. that was when he remembered the time when he saw seungkwan physically pulling this guy out of the classroom since he was too attached to hanging out with all of them, chanwoo assumed. since all he heard was seungkwan yells 'hyung, classes are about to start! go back to yours or else I'm forbidding you into stepping foot here in between breaks!'.

chanwoo smiled at the blonde senior and nodded.

"see you then! I'll tell one of the kids to text you." a huge grin spread across the elder's face and jogged away to the other direction.

- ♡ -

yooa choked on her food as soon as those sentences pour out of soonyoung's mouth.

"chanwoo's coming along too?" she asked, hopeful eyes staring at soonyoung.

soonyoung nodded in reply proudly and crossed his arms, leaning back on his seat. yooa turned to hyunmi, shooting her a look as a form of telepathic communication they have. seungkwan caught a glimpse of how excited the two girls were and he rolled his eyes. finally, it came to the point where a smile was threatening from happening and yooa chewed onto her bottom lip while her cheeks become tinted pink.

seungkwan scoffed and tilted his head to the side, glowering at soonyoung suspiciously.

"what?" soonyoung sat up.

"what did you do?" seungkwan hissed. "please don't tell me you forced him into coming."

"of course not! what kind of person do you think I am?"

"you really want me to answer that?" seungkwan raised a brow at him.

soonyoung was stunned for a moment and he blinked. he shoved seungkwan by his shoulder gently and assured him. "just trust me okay? damn seungkwan."

before the lunch bell rings and officially end the lunch break, seungkwan decided to return to class early first just because. he slipped away without anyone's notice and easily left the cafeteria. when he entered the classroom, the person that he was needing to see is right there and he punched the air internally while muttering 'yes' and something about finally being alone.

"oh hey seungkwan."


"lunch isn't over yet, why are you back so fast?"

"I eat fast." seungkwan blurted out after panicking internally. "and today I'm tired of waiting for those idiots to finish their food." and by the time he finished adding the addition details, he had to restrain himself from knocking himself in the head.

chanwoo nodded as he listened. "okay."

"what about you? why are you here alone so early?" seungkwan asked as he took his seat next to him.

"I was just done skyping my best friend as we ate. the cafeteria is too noisy so the classroom is the best choice." chanwoo smiled.

"you must've missed your best friend huh."

chanwoo tilt his head over to look at seungkwan and he chuckled, "yeah." his eyes wandered off to somewhere and so did his mind.

an awkward silence fell upon them and seungkwan shifted uncomfortably in his seat. what do i do now? wait why am I here again? oh yeah.

"soonyoung hyung told me that yesterday, you finally agreed to come hang out with us." seungkwan broke the ice and he found himself relaxing again. he cleared his throat and added, "you don't have to agree to it if you didn't want to. I'm sorry, soonyoung hyung can sometimes be-"

"he didn't force me, seungkwan." chanwoo assured him.


"I chose to come. I want to come along with you guys."

just then, the lunch bell went off and right on cue, seungkwan felt a stinging pain spreading down his back as he heard a familiar voice screeching. it was chan.

"how dare you leave us."

"S.M.H man." hansol says aloud in English, shaking his head at seungkwan disapprovingly when he sat in his seat. at the corner of his eyes, seungkwan could see that one kid in his class who came from the states, mumble a 'oh my god' as he gave hansol a judge mental stare.

"we even bought your share traitor." yooa threw the carton of strawberry milk into seungkwan's lap, growling lowly under her breath.

when she turned to chanwoo, her whole aura changed and a sweet smile formed on her face. seungkwan who was watching wanted to protest and complain but he kept quiet instead. except he can't help with what something hansol calls it - his resting bitch face - portraying on his face.

wELL THen, he exhaled heavily.

she gently placed a carton of strawberry milk on chanwoo's desk and she lowered her head, "I bought an extra by mistake so i thought you can have it." yooa said as she felt her face heating up.

"thanks, yooa." chanwoo flashed her a smile and yooa hurried off to her seat.

seungkwan sighed and shook his head when he saw yooa whispering excitedly to hyunmi about what have just happened and honestly, it would not be as obvious if it wasn't for their exaggerated actions and hand gestures. he chuckled to himself, seeing one of the biggest smile he has ever seen on yooa's face and a small smile threatened to spread across his face.

stupid feelings...


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2015 ⏰

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