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there is evidently no doubt that seungkwan is envious and perhaps slightly jealous. slightly.

hansol and chan stood by him as they mumbled words of comfort as to how yooa and chanwoo couldn't possibly end up falling for each other within such a short period of time. one and a half hour to be precise.

seungkwan scorned at the sight of chanwoo and yooa laughing happily as they ran off together to avoid the incoming ball. he crossed his arms and glare into the distance.

"dude, if you don't stop that, the sports hall is going to burn down into ashes." hansol poked the boy, whom in return shot him an annoyed look.

"we'll see." seungkwan says through his gritted teeth.

chan laughed and drapped his arm over both of his best friend's shoulders. "there, there." he rubs of seungkwan's back.

"look at them, psh. i've seen her way more happier when she's with me." seungkwan says, glowering at chanwoo's direction. "that smile and laugh is probably to hide how awkward she actually is around him and is actually terrified of getting hit by the ball. watch."

he gestured towards yooa who is running from human shield to human shield, letting out a screech every now and then whenever she was close to being ousted. once he had proven his point, he crossed his arms and smirked. this made chan and hansol contemplate whether or not what seungkwan had said is partially true, since they knew the other reason why he's being like this.

one word; jealousy

they stared at each other, giving each other the same look. and as if they were telepathic, chan and hansol nodded in agreement and came to the conclusion that jealous seungkwan is indeed the biggest and scariest diva.

finally, the teacher blew his whistle and the first round ended like that. yooa trudged towards the bleachers and chugged down a whole bottle of water. seeing that yooa is alone at the bleachers, he left hansol and chan without a word and jogged towards where yooa is.

seungkwan sat next to her and laughed at the state she is in. but at the same time, he also seemed to feel bad for her since her stamina isn't strong at all so he fanned her with his hands.

"bro it's tough out there." yooa says in between pants. "i feel like i could die."

she mumbled some incoherent words which seungkwan could not quite catch and laid her head on his shoulder with her eyes closed.

heat rushed through seungkwan's cheeks as he tries not to scream at chan and hansol for making kissy faces at him when they saw what was happening.

"players for round two!" the teacher's voice boomed.


seungkwan snapped his head towards the direction where his name was called. "yes?"

"you're in round 2!"

seungkwan groaned, "be right there!"

yooa sat up and gave seungkwan two thumbs, grinning happily. "kill all of them off. show them what you got, boo."

seungkwan nodded and smiled before running off into the court.

"ah...look at him, smiling like a lovesick fool." junhui says, appearing suddenly out of nowhere which had startled hansol and chan. "he must have really like her a lot."

"hyung don't do that! you scared me!" hansol exhaled deeply, clutching onto his left chest. "where did you come from?"

"well, i came from shenzhen-"

"no. what he meant is, aren't you supposed to be in class right now?" chan sighed.

"free period. and i was bored so i'm here." junhui shrugged. "minghao's on his way too." he leaned against the wall with his shoulder, his eyes not leaving seungkwan as he watched in amusement.

"how did you know?" hansol asked.



"how the hell do i not? it's so damn obvious. do you think i'm stupid enough to not notice?" he scoffed.

"oh i thought-"

"shhh, he's being distracted by something."

and just like what junhui had stated, seungkwan was staring at something intensely, not focusing on the game in the court. they followed his gaze towards the bleachers and - surprise, surprise - it landed on yooa.

"who's the overgrown child sitting next to yooa and laughing with her?" junhui asked, frowning slightly.

chan and hansol started sniggering when they saw seungkwan's expression again as chanwoo and yooa share a conversation excitedly about something. at least they know why seungkwan's acting so weird out there in the court during the game now, since he's usually serious and competitive.

the thought of being able to tease the hell out of the diva for once had them forgetting that the distraction have increased the chances of seungkwan getting oust faster than they can say 'watch out' because luck is neither on their side that day- "seungkwan look out!"

unfortunately seungkwan's reflexes were too slow to react.

"he's not only knocked out in his love life, he's also knocked out there in the court." hansol sighed, shaking his head.

seeing that seungkwan was having a diva breakdown in the middle of the sports hall, junhui, hansol and chan decided that it would be good for everyone if they rush towards their good friend and tend him. they brought him to the infirmary and he ended up having to bring around an icepack for his forehead and nose wherever he go for the rest of the day.

"please don't let yooa see me like this, I'm very ugly right now."

"what do you mean? you're always ugly." junhui snorted.

let's just say a jealous seungkwan is not only dangerous for the people around him, it also puts himself into nasty situations which ends like this - a bruised forehead and a painful nose.

a/n: lmao @ dis shit

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