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chanwoo was all yooa could talk about on their way home and seungkwan was starting to feel irritated. seungkwan rolled his eyes as he listens to yooa with an awful feeling stirring at the pit of his stomach. when chan claims that its called 'jealousy', hansol had to pull seungkwan back from angrily sassing the poor guy.

"he looks like he can dance too, doesn't-" seungkwan cleared his throat and yooa stopped mid sentence before noticing the look seungkwan and his friends are giving her. "what?"

"you know yooa, you're acting like a starstruck fangirl." one of their friends, mingyu states and wonwoo chuckled next to him. seungkwan scowled in secrecy and hansol pats his back, comforting him without anyone noticing. suddenly, mingyu gasped loudly in the most exaggerated and obnoxious manner ever. "do you have a crush on chanwoo?"

their heads turned to yooa all at once and she stared at all of them wide-eyed.

"oh, she turning into a tomato!" mingyu pointed out and yooa turned redder. then, she jabs mingyu's sides sharply, "my cheeks are turning red because it's cold, pea brain."

mingyu sneered, "you don't have to cover your little school girl crush on chanwoo-ie up."

upon hearing this, seungkwan finally spoke up. "please, our yooa-sshi only likes guys like exo's sehun or something. chanwoo does not stand a chance. " he retorted. his places both of his arms on his hips and blew his fringe out of his face.

hansol raised an eyebrow at seungkwan while chan restrained a giggle. in the meantime, wonwoo and mingyu were staring between seungkwan and yooa questionably.

"you know, diva boo is right. my little cousin couldn't be crushing on chanwoo. that'd be cheating on her precious sehun oppa." wonwoo says, squishing yooa's cheeks and she stood there un-amusingly with her arms crossed.

"yeah, yeah, whatever." yooa huffed.

and with that assurance, wonwoo finally left yooa and her face alone and walked ahead with mingyu. yooa swore that she could sense something fishy between the two abnormally tall males. she pushed all those thoughts to the back of her mind for awhile and walked alongside with seungkwan, throwing her arm over his shoulders.

"thanks man." she says, only loud enough for the two of them to hear.

seungkwan cocks his head to the side and saw yooa smiling sheepishly at him as she walks in an odd manner. his eyes drops to her feet where she had been tipping her toes to be able to reach his neck. he chuckled softly, before bending his legs a little.

"anytime, midget." and that was the umpteenth time yooa had abused someone physically with her fist that day.

seungkwan winced a little at the pain and tried not to grimace before playfully adding, "so how tall is your insoles today? you seemed a little taller."

and there goes another punch.

"you are lucky that you thought of helping me get wonwoo and mingyu off my back today, or else I would've hit you harder." yooa hissed and lets go of him.

chan who notices the two who are having a moment privately, decided to leave them alone by catching up with wonwoo and mingyu ahead first - even though they're probably having their own private time too. he thought that seungkwan needs some healing time with the one who started it anyways. so chan grabs a dazed hansol by his hoodie and drags him off silently without seungkwan and yooa's notice.

"anyways, where were you during lunch?"

seungkwan's smile disappeared and he became slightly flustered. his eyes shifted around uncomfortably, as his lips quiver at the loss of words which he couldn't quite make up with.

"oh, i was... what was i doing?" he faked a laugh and pretended to casually recall back. think seungkwan, think!

it took him a few seconds to finally answer her with something decent and realistic, and of course unsuspicious. he couldn't just tell her that he accidentally eavesdropped on her and her possible crush whom is also a threat in his imaginary romantic relationship with yooa, which had him decide to cry and mourn over the insightful sickening moment they had, in the classroom eating nothing but a granola bar and strawberry milk. he even heard the cafeteria was serving one of his rare favorites and he missed it just because of that. call him a drama queen and he'll give you 100 reasons as to why he made that impulsive decision.

"oh yeah, I was called to the teacher's office to help out with some errand." he added a shrugged, "nothing much"

that shrug was a wonderful improvisation, you should consider being an actor seungkwan. or join the drama club perhaps.

"ah, okay. I thought something happened." she smiled.

meanwhile, standing an approximately 10 feet away from them stood wonwoo who is watching them from afar with squinted eyes.

"what the hell are they talking about? why are they taking so long?" he asks.

this had alerted chan and hansol into pulling wonwoo from going back for them or even yell something at them to walk faster which could interrupt their moment.

"hyung, wait!"

"ah! yah!"

mingyu watches in amusement as they try to explain themselves when wonwoo glared at them for pulling the neckline of his sweater which had loosen and hung off nearly at his shoulder. it was a mistake they swore to never do again.

"what the hell do you mean 'photography club meeting discussion'? seungkwan is in the school basketball team and yooa hates doing extra curriculum activities so she isn't in any." wonwoo frowned after hansol explains hesitantly with the 'help' of chan's random butting in. he then turned behind and yelled, "yooa! seungkwan! hurry up! we only have 5 minutes left to get to the bus stop before the bus arrives and drives off without us! I don't want to wait for the next one!"

hansol sighed and turned to glare at chan, "photography club? really?" he mumbles.

yooa who heard her cousin yelling at them to, stops laughing at something which seungkwan had said previously and yells back, "go ahead! I can wait for another one!"

seungkwan jumped slightly, startled by her. "have a little class man." he comments, rubbing his ringing left ear.

"i have more than enough classes in school that i'm so sick of it, thanks for the concern." yooa says sarcastically and seungkwan rolled his eyes. "you don't mind waiting for another bus right?"


"seungkwan says he doesn't mind too, so go ahead!" yooa hollers out of the sudden and seungkwan's hand flew to his left chest where his heart is.

after getting the message that the two wouldn't be coming with them, the group of boys trudged on.

"i swear i age 5 years whenever i'm with you."

"really? then please put me down for your electronics on your will." yooa stuck her tongue out teasingly and slowly backed away.

"aish, you-"

chan smirked in satisfaction and nudged hansol's side when he looked over his shoulders to see the two chasing each other and being the public nuisance they are. hansol yelped and shot chan a look. he was then forcefully spun around to look behind where yooa and seungkwan were and his lips curved up into a smirk.

"hell yes, we don't have to listen to seungkwan complain and whine on a three way call till late tonight."

well this aint a short story anymore. it has 1237 words in this chapter ahdjfkjsen.

hopeless love ➳ seungkwan f.fDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora