11) BLUE

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Chapter Eleven

Life went on. Days passed. Phil could almost move on, but it was like there was a piece of him missing. He wasn't living, he was merely existing. He hadn't realized just how empty his life was without the fiery passionate, tearing his heart out of his chest, impulsive, only few month long, love. It had been almost another month. Dan was avoiding Phil again and dodging his calls. He could see him hurting. Phil hated it. Every day was like torture. He was running out of reasons to pull himself out of bed in the mornings, so on the weekends he mostly didn't.

"Phil you've gotta pull yourself together, dude." Mickey whined, leaning on Phil's door frame.

"Your America is showing," Phil mumbled.

"Shut up, you guys say 'dude' too."

"Not as much as you, you weird Californian."

"Okay beside the point! You need to go find Dan and make this all better. I can only handle so many broken-hearted gay guys at one time!" Mickey exclaimed, throwing her hands up. "Take a shower, you're coming with me to see your boyfriend," She ordered.

"He doesn't wanna see me," Phil muttered, pitifully.

"Quite the contrary Phillip, I believe you're the only one he does want to see," Mickey said.

"Aye you're British again!" Phil exclaimed.

"Shut up and go get dressed," She ordered, rolling her eyes.

Phil lazily pulled himself out of bed. If what Mickey had been saying was true than maybe Dan did want to see Phil. According to Mickey he'd been moping just as much as Phil had. Phil hopped in the shower and changed into something other than the shirt that Dan left at his place.


Mickey led Phil into her flat. She shushed him and crept down the hall. She peeked into her guest room where Phil assumed Dan was staying. She sighed and stepped back before she walked back to Phil.

"You better take this," She whispered, "Be gentle, he's had a rough going."

Phil nodded and walked down the hallway. He slowly opened the door and peeked inside.

Dan was laid, curled in a ball on his bed. Phil smiled sadly to himself as he noticed Dan was wearing his green sweater. The floor was littered with crumpled tissues. Phil could hear Dan's quiet sobbing and his body shook as he held a pillow close to himself. Phil's heart broke just a little at the sight before him, and he stepped inside the room. Dan was turned the other way so he didn't see Phil come in. Phil closed the door slowly and quietly, walking over to him.

"Dan," Phil whispered, laying a hand gently across his arm.

He sniffled, but didn't turn to face Phil.

Phil crawled over beside him, taking him in his arms. "It's okay," he mumbled into Dan's ear, "I'm here."

Dan rolled over to face Phil and Phil pulled him close. His face was stained with tears and his hair was a mess, but Phil couldn't help but find him absolutely gorgeous. He'd missed Dan so much.

Dan let out a broken whimper and Phil held a hand behind his head as he sobbed into Phil's shoulder. Phil could feel his heart beating quickly. His breaths were short and quick between his sobs. Panic attack, Phil guessed.

"Hey, just breath okay?" Phil instructed softly, "Deep breaths. I'm here. It's okay." He couldn't think of much else to say so he didn't. He just held Dan close to his chest and stroked his hair soothingly.

Eventually Dan calmed down a bit. He was grasping onto Phil's shirt as if his very life depended on it.

Love it's hard, I know
All your lights are red, but I'm green to go
Used to see you high, now you're only low
All your lights are red but I'm green to go

My Happy Little Phil | Phan (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now