7) June Haverly

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just to brace you, the for the purpose of this story I've interpreted this song a bit differently.

Chapter Seven
-June Haverly-

"Dan! Dan, wait I'm sorry!" Phil called, running after Dan. "Please! I just want to help you!" Dan locked himself in the bathroom. Phil knocked on the door. "Dan, please let me in. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you."

After a few minutes of listening to Dan cry through a door, Dan opened the door. His eyes were red, and he didn't meet Phil's. He looked down as he started walking back to the bedroom. Phil reached for his hand, "Dan, I—"

"No!" he snapped, pulling out of Phil's grip, "Trust me, you don't want to get this involved with me." He still wouldn't look up. "Thank you, for trying, and for these last few weeks. You're amazing, and I hope you know that no matter who you end up with for life, they won't be good enough for you," he spoke quickly, and before Phil could process Dan's words, his lips were on Phil's. Tears fell from his face onto Phil's, and Phil really really didn't want to let go. Dan pulled away and whispered, "But at least they'll be better than me."

He then took to his room quickly, and started packing his things away into his suitcase.

Phil watched him from the door, trying to find the words to say. Phil needed him. He couldn't let him go, not now. Not after this weekend. This weekend, Phil was given just a taste of what life with Dan could be like, if they could only get through everything. Phil had to help him. He just had to.

"Don't go," Phil requested. His voice came out quiet and desperate. He walked into the room, grabbed Dan's hand and whispered, "Please."

Dan wouldn't meet Phil's eyes yet again. He pulled his hand away and continued to shove things in his case.

"Dan, please, it's only Saturday. We still have two more days together. Please, just stay with me for the weekend," Phil requested, "Please."

If he'd just stay with Phil. If he'd just agree to stay tonight, then maybe—just maybe—Phil could convince him to never go. And maybe Phil was desperate to save Dan so that he could feel good about himself, but was that such a bad thing if Dan got saved in the process?

Dan stopped packing and nodded slowly. "Okay," he choked out, "I'll stay the rest of the weekend."

Dan sighed, relieved, and pulled him into a hug. They held tightly onto each other, and Dan cried quietly. Phil just squeezed his shoulders and whispered 'shh's to him. When he stopped crying, he pulled back and wiped his eyes, smiling wearily at Phil.

"Let's just enjoy ourselves, then," he suggested. "You gonna have a shower?" he asked, trying to act casual.

Phil shook his head. He didn't want to leave Dan's side. He wanted to make sure he'd be okay, that he'd stay here.

Dan and Phil had about 36 hours left together. Phil wanted to make the most of them all.


Dan and Phil walked back to the edge of the jetty. Dan was trying to figure out how to eat his ice cream without letting go of Phil's hand to use the provided spoon. Phil was watching him and giggling to himself at how cute he was.

It was sundown and they'd spent all day together, refusing to leave each other for even a second. They had played old video games at a nearby arcade, bought themselves useless tourist crap, made out at practically every landmark of importance, and gotten ice cream.

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