Chapter 17

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*Lucy's POV*

"You will do everything I tell you, understood," I asked the boys in training. Liam, Louis, Harry, and a reluctant Niall were standing in front of Sam and I. We were in the living room and we had moved al the furniture to the side of the wide room, and we had laid down blankets to use as mats for when we started basic fighting training.

"Yes ma'am," the boys said in unison, except for Niall. I glared at him. "Niall, I know that we have... Problems with each other, but rigt now, I want you to forget those problems. I am your head spy, and you will treat me with respect, or suffer the consequences. Understood," I asked him firmly, raising an eyebrow.

He sighed and nodded. I narrowed my eyes. "You will respond every time I speak to you, and you will call me ma'am, understood," I snapped at him. I really hated doing this, but if you are training as a spy, the head spy must be able to discipline the trainees. He gulped and nodded his head, saying, "Understood ma'am."

I smiled at him and turned to Sam. "What should we teach them first," I asked her in a whisper. "Well," she started, "They only need enough basic training to get past the guards at Matthew's building, and hacking into Matthew's files." I nodded, deciding on the first thing to teach.

I turned back to the boys and said, "Okay trainees, for the first exercise, you will learn some basic karate. I will perform the move on Sam, and you will copy with your partner. Louis you're with Harry, Liam you're with Niall."

"Yes ma'am," they all said, turning to face their partner. I stood in front of Sam, saying, "You always have to have the element of surprise. Make your victim believe they know your next move." I raised my left hand and made a swing for Sam's head. She immediately lifted her hands to block it, while my other hand sent a wave of pain through her stomach. She gasped and clutched at her stomach.

"Are you ok," Liam exclaimed. Sam looked at him with a grim smile. "I've had worse," she said weakly. I turned to the boys. "Your turn," I said calmly. They looked at me with their mouths opened. "You expect us to punch out best friends," Harry asked in disbelieve. I shrugged. "Well, duh... I just punched my own sister, didn't I? Everyone had to punch and hurt their friends in basic training," I told them, wincing at the memory.

"But," Louis started but I cut him off by snapping, "You will do as told! Now practice!" They flinched at the sound of my voice, but I was done with then complaining. They sighed and turned back to their partner. I watched each of the carefully, analyzing how they could be improved. Louis' eyes narrowed. He quickly raised his hand, and before Harry could react, he landed a good punch on the side of his face. Harry yelped and crumpled to the ground. I sighed. Harry's gonna need a little extra work. Louis looked guilty immediately after the punch and kneeled next to Harry, trying to comfort him.

I turned to look at Niall and Liam and was surprisingly impressed by what I saw. Liam seemed to be able to block all of Niall's attacks, while landing a couple good pinches and kicks. Even though he was being battered pretty bad by Liam, Niall still wouldn't give up. He dropped to the ground, rushed forward, and tackles Liam to the ground. Niall pinned Liam's hands above his head and twisted them in a painful way. Liam gasped in pain and I said calmly, "Niall, you can let go of Liam now." I watched as he slowly let go of Liam, kneeling next to him. I heard him whisper, "Sorry mate."

"You all can take a break, I can now evaluate what you each need to be taught individually," I told them, enjoying that I had authority over them, as they shuffles into the kitchen. I turned to Sam and we started talking.

"Liam and Niall seem pretty good," she started out and I nodded. "Harry is completely hopeless though," I told her and she agreed. "We need to pair Louis up with someone else to see how good he is," she said, voicing my thoughts. "Agreed. They all need to learn more defensive skills. Their very good at beating someone up, but not that good at protecting themselves," I said and she nodded. We quickly came up with a little lesson plan and called the boys back in.

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