Chapter 4

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“Is she awake?”

“Is she hurt?”

“Why did she faint?”

“Is she going to be okay?”

“Gosh, we’ve known her for ten minutes and she’s already hurt!”

“I’m sorry, it’s my fault! I’m just too god damn sexy.”

“Oh, shut up Harry.”

“You’re just Jealous Zayn.”

I heard a thump, and a cry of pain from Harry. Zayn had most likely hit him. I groaned my head pounding. I felt rub my arm soothingly. “Are you ok love,” Niall asked me, his cute Irish accent tinted in concern. I groaned again and rolled onto my side. Where was I? I opened my eyes and realized that I was on one of the sofas in the living room. I glanced around to see all the lads crowded around, all looking worried and concerned. I groaned again.

Liam put his hand on my forehead and asked, “How you feeling?”

“Honestly,” I started, “My head hurts like hell. And I’m hungry, so be a good boy band member and go get me food.” The boys chuckled, obviously relived I was okay. “Good to know you’re feeling fine,” Louis chuckled. I glared at him and the lads. “Was I not clear? I want food,” I told them again, as seriously as possible, which only made them laugh again. I sighed. “I’ll go get it myself,” I said getting up from the couch. I glanced out the glass wall and became nauseous again, sitting back down and groaning. The boys looked worriedly at me. Dammit, why am I so scared of heights? Oh I know why! But you don’t!

“Okay, let’s go get her food,” Liam said. “Niall, you can stay with her and make sure she doesn’t faint again.” I realized that Niall was sitting next to me in that moment; very close to me I might add. He nodded and the boys went into the kitchen to get me something to eat. Did they all have to go, or did they just want to leave me alone with Niall, all uncomfortable?

“So,” Niall started, looking at me curiously, “Why exactly did you umm…”

“…Faint,” I finished for him.  He nodded. “Well, unless you don’t want to talk about it, then you don’t have to. I just wanted to know because… well I’ve known you for what? Ten minutes? But I'm worried about you and-“

“Niall, stop rambling,” I told him, covering his mouth with my hand. He nodded, understanding. “Well, there’s no big back story to why I fainted,” I lied to him easily, “I’m just afraid of heights, that’s all.” He nodded and wrapped his arms around me, shocking me slightly. “If you ever want to talk about it,” he whispered into my ear, “I’m here for you.” I nodded, and snuggled into his embrace.

I heard a gasp from behind us and someone started yelling, “Niall fancies Jocelyn, Niall fancies Jocelyn!” Niall and I jumped apart, as if shocked by electricity, both blushing. “Louis it was just a hug,” I told him stubbornly, crossing my arms. “Yeah, just a hug,” Niall said, looking down at the floor. Weird…

“No! I refuse to believe it! Niall fancies you Jocelyn! It’s written all over his face,” Louis yelled running over to Niall and pinching his cheeks. “Aww, look, the leprechaun is blushing! Niall fancies Jocelyn,” Louis yelled again, skipping into the kitchen, singing his little chant. I raised an eyebrow, watching the oldest member of the band skip into another room. He really is crazy isn’t he?

I shrugged. “Food,” I told Niall sternly, grabbing his hand and dragging him into the kitchen while he was laughing. I was trying my best to ignore the glass wall, and resisted the urge to glance at it. I walked into the kitchen and observed it. Pretty large, stainless steel appliances, a large island in the middle with barstools. I walked over to the island and sat on it, ignoring the barstools. “Food,” I asked Liam hopefully. He chuckled and said,” Voila! Here is the wonderful dish called… drum roll please,” he waited until harry started drumming on the counter, “The menu and phone number to room service!” I giggled and nodded enthusiastically.

“Give me the menu,” I asked him, dead serious. He shrugged and handed it to me. I read everything quickly and look it over twice, deciding on my order. Liam asked everyone what they wanted, which was a lot, and then came to me. “What would you like love,” he asked me sweetly. “After deep thinking,” I told him in my best ninja voice, “I have decided that I will have… one of everything.” Liam gaped at me, and then Harry started clapping. “A girl who’s not afraid of carbs. I like it,” he said teasingly and I just laughed along with everyone else.

Liam finished taking everyone’s orders and sat on one of the bar stools. “You feeling better,” he asked me, and everyone quieted down to listen to my answer. “I’m just afraid of heights,” I said quietly, glancing at the floor. I hated being scared. It made me feel so vulnerable. “Why,” Zayn asked gently, probably voicing everyone’s thoughts. I sighed. I didn’t want to tell them why, it was still too painful of a memory. But, I am supposed to make them feel close to me so… time to make them feel sorry.

I forced tears to my eyes, making myself look sad and scared. I forced one tear down my cheek and wiped at it furiously. I looked up to the boys to see them all looking at me with sad and pained expressions. Niall came up to me and hugged me. “You don’t have to talk about it love,” he says, and I bury my head into his chest. “Thank you,” I murmur into it.

The doorbell rang and I smiled instantly. “Food,” I said happily, pulling back from Niall. I clapped happily, chanting, “Food, food, food.” All the boys chuckled at me and Harry left the room to go get the food. I jumped off the counter and followed him. He opened the door and standing there was a girl about my age, chewing gum loudly. She had platinum blonde hair (dyed), bright pink nails (fake) way too much makeup on (she looked like a clown), and apparently, she doesn’t know that the shirt of her uniform had buttons, considering a fair amount of cleavage was showing. “Room service,” she said lazily. Then, she glanced up at Harry and screamed her fake little head off. “OMFG, IT’S HARRY FREAKING STYLES,” she screamed and Harry sighed in frustration. He turned to look at me and gave me a ‘Is she serious?’ expression.

I walked up to Harry and hugged him, deciding to mess with the room service girl. I pouted and snuck a glance at the girl. “Is this girl bothering you Hazza,” I asked him in my sweetest tone. He looked confused, but when I winked, he seemed to understand and smiled at me, a knowing look in his eyes. “No she wasn’t bothering me baby,” he said, hugging me tighter, and then looking at the girl. When I looked at her, there was jealousy written all over her face.

“Who are you,” she asked venom in her voice. I smiled. “Just a friend of Harry’s, that’s all,” I said sweetly, looking up at Harry with a loving look on my face. It was funny to see the girl’s reaction to our little act. She looked like she wanted to beat the hell out of me, and I just smiled at her. “Thanks for the food. Harry and I will just take that off you and, good bye. Forever,” I told her, smiling with a glint of evilness in my eyes. It’s so fun to anger people. She huffed and said, “Fine. Bye Harry,” she said waving at him, but not before reaching in her pocket and giving him a slip of paper. “Call me,” she said, and then left. What’s her problem, carrying little pieces of paper with her phone number on it?

“Well, she was a slag,” I told Harry, stepping away from his hug. “Yeah she was,” he said, looking at the paper in his hand and ripping it into little pieces. “Not calling her any time soon,” he murmured, pocketing the pieces. I shrugged, then grabbed the cart of food and rolled it into the kitchen yelling, “Deliciousness is coming!” I heard the boys laugh as I rolled the cart into the room. “Don’t laugh at me, I'm starving! Fainting takes a lot out of you,” I said, sitting at the counter and taking a piece of pizza from the cart and taking a big bite. It tasted so good, food in my mouth! I closed my eyes and smiled with happiness.

“I wish it was legal to marry pizza,” I said aloud. I hear the boys laughing at me, again, and glared at them. “Stop laughing at me.” I pouted, continuing to eat my pizza. “We’ll try but you’re funny,” Louis said. I flipped my hair dramatically. “I was born with this awesome sense of humor,” I said, causing the boys to laugh again. It wasn’t even funny, so these boys are seriously messed up. But they were starting to grow on me. That may be a bad thing though. 

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