Chapter 14

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I'm baaaaacccckkkkk!!!!!!!! Miss me?? 

~Luna xx.


*Jocelyn's POV*

Niall and I were in the car in a flash. We hasn't told the others where we were going or why and they could obviously see the stress on our faces. I looked out the rearview mirror and notice the others getting into another car. I sighed in relief. They were going to follow us, so we didn't have to tell them where to go or why. Yet. We'll have to tell them why we're going to the hospital.

My heart clenched as a new thought came in my head. The woman on the phone had said that Zayn was in critical condition, but she never said why. I closed my eyes and took a breath. There was only one explanation. The last person to see Zayn was Sam... Who's job was to kill Zayn. Shit. Shit. SHIT!

I quickly pulled out my phone and went to Sam's contact. I quickly sent her a text asking her, "What the hell have you down?!?"

I waited a few minutes, staring at my phone hoping she would reply, but she never did. I saw out of the corner of my eye, Niall was watching me with concern. I felt my eyes water. Why did Matthew have to sign that contract? Why did I have to kill One Direction? Why did I have to fall in love with Niall? What the hell am I going to do?


*Sam's POV*

I sat in the waiting room of the hospital, biting my perfectly manicured nails. Looks like I have to go for a Mani-Pedi soon. I sighed and leaned my head against the chair. What did I do? I felt my eyes water, thinking about what I had done. I imagined Zayn's crumpled body, laying in the street, blood pouring-

STOP! Stop thinking about it Sam... There's nothing you can do about it. The damage is done.

I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and pulled it out. It was a message from Jocelyn, saying, "What the hell have you done?!?"

I closed my eyes and put my phone back in my pocket, deciding not to reply. I wonder if she knows that I feel like shit for doing what I did? I wonder if she knows that I have fallen for Zayn the way she had fallen for Niall?

I felt my phone buzz again. Why won't Jocelyn shut up?!? I took my phone out and was surprised to see it was a text from Matthew. "Good job Sam. But you didn't finish the job."

I gulped. I knew exactly what he meant. Zayn may be in critical condition, but he will definitely survive. He will still be alive, and that means my job isn't done. I felt tears brim at my eyes again and I buried my face in my palms. I'm not going to be able to do it! I can't kill Zayn! Or any of the others!! But I have too... If I don't then not only is my job on the line but the lives of-

"Sam! Are you ok," I heard a voice ask frantically. I looked up with puffy red eyes and saw Liam, Louis and Harry rushing into the hospital. I was grateful they were here, maybe they could calm me down. But then, in walked in Niall... And Jocelyn. My heart dropped. Shit is about to go down.

I felt Liam's arms wrap around me and he whispered in my ear, "Love can you tell us what happened?"

I tried to speak but I couldn't. My sobs had calmed down though and I was just hiccuping occasionally, dried tear streaks running down my face.

Jocelyn finally noticed me. She looked me up and down and I thought I saw a hint of sympathy in her eyes, but it was all blown out of focus from the rage that was emitting from her.

She stalked up from me and yelled in my face, "What the FUCK were you thinking?!?"

I whimpered at her voice, clearly scared of her. Liam released me from the hug to look at Jocelyn with a confused yet annoyed expression.

"Jocelyn what are you so angry about," Louis asked from somewhere behind Jocelyn.

She turned angrily to Louis and shouted, "That BITCH that calls herself my sister is the reason Zayn is in critical condition!"

Everyone froze and looked from Jocelyn then to me. Jocelyn looked ready to explode from anger but I looked ready to explode into tears. Which I did. I was a sobbing, hiccuping mess and I think even Jocelyn looked a little guilty from making me cry.

"I d-didn't m-mean to!," I yelled in hysterics. Of course I did mean to but I wish I hadn't. I wish I wasn't a spy and that I didn't have to do what I have to do.

Everyone looked shocked again from my words. I actually just admitted that I had put Zayn in critical condition. I couldn't take their states on me. Some were of anger, others were of shock, and some were of sympathy and confusion. I just couldn't take it. I got up shakily and bolted out of there. I ran as far away as possible, across the parking lot, across the street of honking horns until I reached a building that looked abandoned.

If I turned I could still see the hospital on the distance. I didn't run that far. I sighed and tried to calm my breathing. I was out of breathe from all the running and crying. Suddenly, after regaining my breathe, it was knocked out of me as I was slammed against the building wall.

I crumpled to the ground in pain, too tired to fight back with my spy training. I looked up at my attacker and want to shocked to see a still angry Jocelyn. She looked ready to tear me to pieces.

"Jocelyn," I started shakily, but she cut me off. "Sam, you can't just waltz in here and kill off my friends! I know it's our job but...," she trailed off. I bet she didn't want to admit her feelings for Niall were genuine and that she couldn't kill him. I smiled shakily at her.

"I know how you feel. I love Zayn," I said, which made her head snapped up and her gaze meet mine. "I... You... What?," she stuttered. I laughed but it quickly turned into a coughing fit. Once I regained my breathe, happy that it didn't get knocked out of me again, I continued.

"I realized before... Before what I did to Zayn that I loved him. I knew I wouldn't be able to follow out orders and kill him if i let my feelings grow. So, I just... Tripped him and he fell into upcoming traffic...," I said, feeling ashamed. "Now I feel like complete shit and I know I love him and can't kill him," I finished looking up at her.

She smiled at me and knelt in front of me. "So I guess your apologizing for trying to kill my friend," she asked in bitter humor. I smiled and nodded. She smiled back then sighed, running a hand through her hair.

"What are we going to do," she asked. She meant about the mission. About killing them. I grinned at her and said, "I may have a plan."

She smiled and said, "I think I can get used to you," then she added hesitantly, "sis."

I grinned as she called me sis. "I think I can used to you too sis," I said happily. She stood up and held out her hand for me to take. As soon as i lifted my arm though, i screamed in pain and craddled my arm to my chest.

I now realize that when Jocelyn pushed me against the wall, I had my arm behind my back, probably reaching in my back pocket for my phone. So when she pushed me against it, it most likely fractured it from the pressure at the odd angle. Hmm, I wonder why I just noticed the pain.

Jocelyn looked at me worried. "What's wrong," she asked in concern. I whimpered and replied, "I think you may have broke my wrist..."

She but her lip then lifted me in her arms. "How about another trip to the hospital," she asked bitterly.


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Love ya!! 

~Luna xx.

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