Chapter 6

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I woke in the morning to the wonderful sound of two boys jumping on my bed, yelling at me to get up. I opened my eyes just a crack to see it was Louis and Harry who were jumping on my bed. Figures, these guys were nuts. Apparently, they didn’t know I would break your arm if you woke me up early. “Get out of my room,” I groaned, trying feebly to throw a pillow at Louis, but he just ducked under it and stuck out his tongue at me. “Nice try, but you missed,” he said in a childish way and I just rolled my eyes at him.

Louis gasped. “How dare you roll your eyes at me peasant,” he yelled, pointing a finger down at me. I sighed, rolled my eyes again, then rolled over to face the pillow and try to go back to sleep. Louis growled playfully. “You must be punished,” Louis proclaimed, but I just ignored him. He doesn’t know anything about me, so what can he do to punish me?

I felt Louis and Harry shift off the bed, and I was glad that they were finally leaving me alone. Spoke to soon. In a split-second, Harry and Louis had jumped back onto the bed, flipped me over, and pinned my wrists above my head. I whimpered, this moment reminding me of my dream, and Harry’s eyes flashed with understanding, but Louis had no idea. “Punishment,” he yelled, ad started tickling me. NO! How the hell did he know I was insanely ticklish?

“L-Louis, s-stop! I d-don’t like being t-t-tickled,” I choked out, which was hard because I was laughing so much. Louis chuckled. “Once you promise to never roll your eyes at me again, and that you like Niall,” Louis told me, his eyes glinting with mischievousness. I gasped. “Fine, I’ll n-never roll my eyes at y-you, b-but I don’t l-like Niall,” I told him, but he looked like he didn’t believe me. “Say it or the tickling will never stop,” he threatened. I groaned. “Fine, I like Niall,” I said and Louis released me, looking triumphantly to Harry.

“You like me,” Niall asked from the doorway. How did he get here? I didn’t even notice him! “Um, well… you see, it’s just,” I stuttered, not being able to think of the right words to say. Was I supposed to tell him Louis forced me to say that, or… did I really like Niall? Louis came over and wrapped an arm around my shoulders. He grinned wickedly at me then said to Niall, “Jocelyn is madly in love with you Niall! Can’t you just tell?” I punched Louis in the side, a little hard I might add, and he winced.

“Out. Of. My. Room. Now,” I told all the boys in a sinister voice, really pissed off they woke me up. Niall and Louis looked frighten, so they just ran away. Harry on the other hand laughed and said, “Come downstairs for breakfast when you’re ready.” Then he murmured loud enough for me to hear, “Looks like someone is cranky in the morning.”  

I sighed as he closed the door to my room in contentment. Finally, alone! I thought they would never leave. I went to the bathroom and hopped into the shower. I just stood there and enjoyed the feeling of the warm water running down my body, thinking about everything at once. How was I supposed to accomplish my mission? Why hasn’t Matthew called me? Am I getting too attached to these boys? Do I like Niall, or is Louis just brainwashing me? I sighed and finished showering quickly. I went into my room and quickly pulled on some skinny jeans, a long sleeved blue shirt, and my gray converse. Yep, ready to face the day!

I walked out of my room and down the stairs walking into the kitchen. Well actually, I walked into somebody when I walked into the kitchen. I grunted and looked up to see that I had collided with Zayn, who had an amused expression on his face. “Why are you so happy,” I asked him a bit harshly. He chuckled. “Louis and Harry told us all about how you should not be disturbed in the morning,” Zayn said, still smiling. I smirked. “That’s right. Next time one of you try to wake me up, I’ll snap your neck,” I said happily to a now scared Zayn.

I skipped into the kitchen and sat at the counter next to Liam. He raised an eyebrow. “Someone seems happy,” he commented. I shrugged. “I just threatened Zayn never to let one of you wake me up unless you want a snapped neck, so that was fun. Plus, now I get food,” I said glancing at Harry who was making pancakes. Liam chuckled. “Is food the only thing you think about,” he asked playfully. I pouted. “Yes, you got a problem,” I asked crossing my arms. He shook his head smiling and saying, “Nope.” I nodded, liking his answer. These boys should know I’m going to be the boss for the next week.

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