Chapter 1- Part 2 of 4 - Hurt pride

Start from the beginning

                  “What do you want from me?!” he yelled as he ran but lost his footing and tripped. He lay there whimpering, as the purple light grew closer and closer. Lance seemed to have given up and awaited his fate.

                   “Have some Pride,” ordered the creature in a stern tone “Be a man and stand up and face me,” Lance rose, still shaken by the foe before him but prepared himself as he took a fighting stance; ready to fight tooth and nail against the creature. The figure smiled and its white teeth seemed to break the shadows that hid its face. The creature swung the massive hammer with no remorse towards Lance who flinched and put his arms up.

                     “No!”Lance jolted from the bed gasping as he looked around. He was in his room; it was only a dream. He sighed with relief, until he realized his shoulder was burning and pulsing. Suddenly, his left arm lashed out and grabbed his throat and raised him out of bed. Hovering in mid air over the bed, he heard a voice begin to speak to him.

                      “You are not vain, you are proud, act like it, she hurt your pride but take heed, pride comes before the fall” with that the room went still and Lance fell to his bed coughing and choking; realizing he had regained control of his arm. He lay there in terrified silence.

                    “Lance!!!" the door was kicked open. 

                    “Holy shit!!!!” he flinched again in fear, but it was only Ryder and Jason with their usual brawling entrance… he was in no state for it though.

                   “You okay dude? Look like you wet the bed” jeered Jason. He had no idea how close Lance had actually come to wetting the bed in fright after the ordeal that occurred a few seconds ago.

          After composing himself and going downstairs for breakfast, Lance began to tell them about the night he had.

                     “You ran away!!” Ryder groaned in disbelief.

                     “Damn ...she was sooo fine yo. Why would you run out on that!?!” Jason interjected, equally annoyed and shocked.

                      “It didn’t feel right”…. Lance muttered. Ryder and Jason looked at each other then broke out into laugher. Lance sunk lower than he had ever been with shame.

                      “But that’s not the end of it,” he added.

                    “What could be worse than the fail of the decade you just told us” Ryder snickered as Jason nodded and agreed.

                      “She was saying some weird shit about me being son of Adam and all that” he pleaded.

                       “Course, a girl that fine interested in you had to be crazy; she wanted you as her human sacrifice and was going to eat your soul.” Jason remarked as both he and Ryder died with laughter again, rolling and choking on the joke. Lance hadn’t cracked a smile, so they soon calmed down.

                       “Maybe this will convince y’all.” He slowly unbuttoned his shirt and slipped it off to reveal his now very freshly burnt “birth mark”. It was now a very bold chard black dragon that wrapped around his mid forearm, then bicep and the head now on his left shoulder blade. They both recoiled and cringed in pain at it.

                “Dude what the hell happened to your arm!” Ryder exclaimed 

                “How the hell did your birthmark turn into that?!” Jason pressed “Does it hurt?!” he looked at the chard flesh of Lance’s left arm in amazement. The birthmark seemed to have morphed into a tattoo, burned into his flesh

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