Chapter 2- Part 3 of 4 - Envy leads to mistrust

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This Chapter is dedicated to Prism one of several friends that I kind of look up to & have it out with on this site she has a great book & is pretty hilarious when u get to know her. Funny I envy the attention her book is getting lol so the chapters pretty approriate.


Earthquakes, random shadow demons, The Seven Deadly Sins and Ryder; things were looking pretty bad.

         There had to be maintenance checks around most major building and schools of San Francisco to ensure safety of the populous after the earthquake; so schools were out within the affected regions of town, a blessing to say the least. Lance and Jason used the opportunity to head to the junkyard and bring Ana and Sage up to speed of the recent events; little did they know that Ana and Sage were more than a little informed. Jason and Lance rode down the dirt path the light flickering between the over head canopies of trees. They closed in on the gate expecting it to be open but to their surprise it wasn’t,

         “ That’s odd the gates not open” Jason queered

         “ I suppose Sage didn’t bother to open it” Lance answered as he kept pedaling . He rose his index and middle finger to his temple “Hey Sage mind opening the gate”

    They expected Sage to open it like he generally did on their arrival but something was wrong the gate was chained up. They came to an abrupt stop as their tires displaced gravel and dirt as they skidded. The boys look at the large imposing structure that stood at about 20 feet. Lance put his index and middle fingers to his temple again and tried to reach Sage but there was no response. The air was still and cool as Jason and Lance stood there for a moment accessing the situation.

          “ Alright  guess we just have to climb this monster”  Jason stated as he rubbed his hands together and began climbing. Lance chuckled a bit as he tapped into his ego state, after which he grabbed the bikes then leapt over the gate to meet Jason who had just touched down on the other side. Jason scowled a bit as he looked at Lance who responded by blowing a raspberry.

     They mounted their bikes and continued through the junkyard towards the house but were meet with rubble and wreckage in the normal path.

      “Looks like Ana has been practicing her techniques” Lance said as he observed the clean cut through the cars and along the ground

      “ She made a mess though” Jason shook his head as they picked their way through and around the debris.

Finally they arrived at the house expecting to see the normally ever vigilant Sage, whoever he was not at his post in the rocking chair on the veranda to greet them. Lance’s suspicions began to grow as they laid their bikes against the steps and entered the house.

           “Hey Sage, Ana, where are you guys!?” Lance shouted as he walked through the front door of house.

           “There is no sign of them anywhere” Jason stated coming from the kitchen, a look of puzzlement and concern beginning to cloud over his face. They both began to worry, recent events made it clear that anything could have happened. Lance attempted to concentrate as he tried to contact Sage.

             “Oh!!! it’s you Lance, Ana and I are-” Sages voice echoed but the last few words seemed to have been distorted. Lance opened his eyes and looked at Jason, who nodded slowly; he had heard Sage as well. 

               “Where are you Sage?” Lance questioned, as he concentrated

              “We are.....the mountain slope… there is…. downstairs...” the message seemed blurred and disjointed making Lance and Jason worry even more but they did as they were told.

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