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The small silver blade cut easily through the skin of the subject in front of them. The way the flesh tore at the edges, blood trickling from one end and spreading itself through the small textured lines in the skin. Something about it was soothing.

The man in front of the dark figure in the room was bound, his hands tied behind his back with black zip-ties, so tightly that the small plastic was cutting hard into his dark skin. A needle sat in his arm, nothing currently pumping anything through, but the way it was positioned led him to believe there was a darker purpose behind the small syringe, one that didn't intend on helping him.

His mouth was pleading with cries for them to stop but the silver duct tape they'd placed over his mouth had prevented even the loudest of noises to come out as anything but a muffled cry.

What really mattered though were his eyes. He knew in his daily life he wasn't one to cry, and no matter how adamant he had been at the start of this little adventure to keep his composure, the whole thing had become completely redundant.

His dark iris' had lost their flare, their little spark that had made him stand out from the rest of the crowd, but just behind those dim little eyes, life was still visible, the want, the need to keep going and stay alive.

Although; it fuelled the heart of that around him. It fuelled them to carry on going, to see the pain flicker through the eyes.

His eyes weren't focused on the dark nightmare in front of him, he was more focused on his surroundings.

It was dark, his eyes were slowly adjusting to the small amount of light that was coming in through the underneath of the only door he could see. From this, he could make out the outline of a motorbike in the back corner of the room.

The dark floor looked ancient, as if it should have been torn up and thrown out over a hundred years ago, what made the him flinch however was the strong smell of bleach coming from somewhere in the room, nearly burning his nostrils as he breathed.

With the next cut of the blade, the nightmare took to cutting the shirt completely off his chest, exposing his skinny torso. It had been what had made him such an easy target. The lack of muscles, the lack of power to fight back.. They revelled in the fear it seemed to bring their latest victim. The way the knife cut through the flesh revealing white and then sudden red. The thrill it bought them with each deep cut was something that couldn't be described.

"If you stopped moving, this would be a lot easier." They purred into his ear, their cool breath hitting the side of his face, making him cower back in unwanted fear; much to his disgust.

How could he not try and move away from the person who was currently taking great pleasure in his pain. He knew they wanted him to feel lost, lonely and helpless. He'd known it from the minute he'd noticed them sitting all the way across the room but there was something else about them that had drawn him in.

The way they held them self, the way their light blue shirt had been buttoned modestly but not all the way to the top revealing just a little of their collarbones.

At the time, he hadn't really thought much about their forwardness, they were attractive, there was no reason to be alarmed. Besides, he was looking for a good time and at that point, in the bar, they were willing to show him one.

However now, all he wanted to do was be back in his flat, sitting down with a pizza, a beer and some violent video games.

Another cut through the skin made him cry out, bringing him out of his little paradise of thoughts and back into the harsh, cold reality that he was having to face. This one particular cut happened too fast and it was extremely deep, he could feel the pain radiating through his body as the gash on his arm burnt. "Now baby," Their voice came in through the dark. "This is the fun bit. I'm going to give you five minutes, that's all you have," They made a move towards the door, that sickening smile they had worn pretty much the entire night was plastered onto their face. "Five minutes to get out of that chair, hand ties, foot ties, the lot. You manage that, I'll let you go," The thought of being set free was something that started a fire in the young boys heart, the light had began to flicker back on behind his eyes and it almost made the person at the door chuckle. "However," His stomach dropped, there was always a catch. "If you can't make that five minute mark, that needle in your arm is going to finally release." With that, they had left and a small red timer started in the corner of the room, five minutes. That's all the time he had left.


Okay so this is my first Harry Styles A.U, Harry will come in to it in the next chapter. I take forensics so this kind of thing really interests me so I'm hoping that this is going to actually be good. Next chapter will be up some point this week. 

Please comment and let me know what you think, I would love to know. Also, if you could vote I would love you all forever thank you! ~ Gemma

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